Rhea's pain

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" prachi!  What are you doing??  It's lunch time!  " ranbir scolded her as she was still writing some points from a file..

" Oh!! Wait 1 minute! " prachi pleaded

Ranbir waited for her..

Prachi completed her work and joined him for lunch..

" hmm.. This is amazing! "  ranbir said while having a bite but prachi didn't notice it as she was using her phone..

Ranbir immediately grabbed her phone..

" how many times I have told you not to use phone while eating?  "

" I was just trying to make a call to rhea..  I didn't speak with her for 3 days.. " prachi said looking the other side.

" you can talk after eating " ranbir said with a straight face..

Ranbir still didn't believe rhea.. He thinks that rhea could plan something to harm prachi's life. Because, She is a girl who could get misguided easily.. So believing her is impossible for him.

Ranbir never allowed prachi to speak a lot with her sissy.. He has never told prachi directly till now but he knows that prachi too understood this.. And that's why prachi never speak about her sissy to ranbir. But, prachi want him to accept rhea. Whenever, they speak about this they will get into an argument..

Now, prachi can feel that he is stopping her from speaking with her sister.. So, Prachi got angry with this.. As Ranbir too know that, this was the only free time she got today to speak with her sissy.. But still she remained calm as they were already in an argument about the incident in office yesterday..  And still ranbir didn't ask sorry to her for that..

Ranbir saw prachi's face.. It was all red in anger.. It looked like she might blast out any moment..
Ranbir can understand what would be running in her mind now.

" I'll never stop you from speaking with rhea because I know you love her so much.. I just said you can't speak with her now because I want you to focus on lunch first.. " Ranbir explained his act..

Prachi was still angry and she put a stern face in front of him, because she wants speak with her sissy at for 5 min today.

Ranbir wanted her to have food happily and not with anger..
He can't see her like this.

" you can speak with her in the evening. I'll ask nethra to care of the presentation.. You'll have a lot of time to chat with her.. Speak about anything with her but not about me.. I mean Don't speak much about us.. " ranbir said..

Prachi's anger got down and she had lunch silently smiling towards herself trying to put a stern face towards him.

Even in fight he can understand her. He takes care of her eventhough he is angry with her.  What else she would need.. She is so lucky to get a husband like him. Whatever happens, in the end she only feels the love from him.. She smiled..

Ranbir's lips curved looking at her.  He was staring at her..

" Ranbir! You are making me uncomfortable.. Iam your wife.. Concentrate on your food. " prachi whispers..

Ranbir broke out laughing..
Prachi stared at him..

" sorry! " ranbir silently had his lunch.

Rhea was roaming around the garden when she heard the ringing sound.

rhea got a call from her friend.

" hey! Dimpy? How are you?? How is work going? Is everything alright? " rhea asked her.

" yeah! Fine absolutely.. Everything is good.. About you?"

Rhea was really surprised hearing this. As she was broken  after her parents divorce before 5 months. Finally! She said she is fine.. She smiled and thanked god for giving her courage to accept the truth..

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