Chapter 14

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Cassidy's POV:

I was up early this morning, so I could go on a run. I haven't been out for one since before I got sick. I needed to move my body, and forget about everything for however long my body would let me run. I still wasn't entirely better from being sick, and it showed when I had to stop running to catch my breath. This then led to me starting to cough, and I knew I better head home. I decided to walk instead of run, so it took me longer than usual to get back to my apartment. I finally made it back, and went in after I unlocked the door. I managed to walk over to the couch, and flopped down on a cushion. I closed my eyes, and relaxed my body so I wouldn't start coughing again. As I did that, I heard Kennedy who seemed to be in the kitchen. "Good morning Cassidy! How was your run? I couldn't sleep anymore so I decided to make us breakfast!" I didn't know she was out of her room, so I jumped when she first started talking to me. "Gosh Kennedy you scared me. You're obviously in an extremely good mood this morning. It wouldn't have anything to do with your plans for this evening would it?" I got up off the couch now, and Kennedy threw me a bottle of water. "I'm just really excited about tonight Cass." I laughed as I put an arm around her. "I know Kennedy, and I'm excited for you." Kennedy chuckled, and then pushed my arm off of her. "No offense Cass, but you stink. You're not getting any breakfast until you shower." I rolled my eyes, and started walking to my room. I quickly showered, and then headed back out to the kitchen to eat breakfast with Kennedy. 

"Okay I smell better now." I said as I laughed and walked into the kitchen. I loaded up my plate, and then went to sit at the table with Kennedy. "I'm glad. You really smelled Cass." Kennedy was laughing, and I threw a piece of my bacon at her. We both started laughing now, and continued doing it for a minute. Kennedy calmed down first as I continued laughing. "Okay, we need to figure out what we're doing today. We have our nail appointment later, but what do you want to do after that?" I had managed to stop laughing now, and began eating again. "We still have to go, and buy some things for Frances' baby. Maybe we could go to some of the shops downtown again? I saw one specifically for babies and toddlers." Kennedy nodded since she had some food in her mouth. "That sounds like a good idea. We do need to get the baby something, so we can do that following our appointment. I want to be back here around 4 so I can start getting ready for my date with DR." I smiled, and Kennedy noticed but didn't say anything. We finished eating, and then went to our rooms to get ready for the day. 

We went to our nail appointment, and it took longer than we expected. We still were able to go to some stores to look for things for the baby, but we didn't have as much time as we would've liked to have. "We hardly got anything today." Kennedy said as we walked out of the one store. We were pushing it with time, and needed to be getting back to the apartment. "It's alright K. We don't have anything going on tomorrow, so we can always come back down here and actually have time to look at things for the baby. It's not something we need to stress about." Kennedy agreed, and we made our way back to our apartment. Kennedy bolted to her room, and I sat on the couch waiting for her to yell for me to come into her room. I actually remembered that I wanted to make sure my battery packs for my camera were charged, so I went to my room to do that. As I was in my room, I heard Kennedy yelling for me. "Kennedy?" I said when I walked into her room. She was standing in front of her mirror, holding out two clothing options over her body. "I'm second guessing what I should wear tonight." She kept her eyes on the mirror as I went to sit on her bed. "What are you talking about K? I thought we already picked out your outfit at the boutique the other day. What's making you second guess yourself now?" She didn't say anything, but groaned at the mirror still switching between the two options she had in her hands. I walked over to her, and grabbed the option she bought at the boutique. I held it in front of her while she was still standing in front of the mirror. "Kennedy, this makes you look amazing. I know you're freaking out a little, and that's normal. Everything is going to be fine." I glanced down at my watch to check the time. "Let's start getting you ready." Kennedy nodded, and made her way over to the bathroom. 

All Too Well- A Jackson Olson/Savannah Banana's Love StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora