1. Dream Boy

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Zaeem is nervous. He is getting married today. He is just 19 years old. He feel it's too early to get married but He trusts his dad.  whatever his father decided for him has always turns out to be for the best. He trusts him a lot. He loves and admires him.

He is almost ready but there is a very strange feeling in his heart. Don't assume it to be love because he have just met the girl once on his engagement. She didn't even talk to him or looked at him. May be she is too shy or there is something more to this. He didn't find an ounce of happiness on her face. Is she really happy with this marraige? He told his concerns to his dad but he just brushed them off saying he is thinking too much. He really hopes that is the case.

He wanted to have a love marriage with a girl who loves him like crazy. Isn't this every teenage boy's fantasy? He wishes his fiancee to make his dream come true.

He reached the wedding hall but bride and her parents are not there yet. Where are they?

It's been more than 3 hours but there is no sign of them. He looked at his father and said,"Dad is everything fine?"

His father looked guilty and said,"I am Sorry Zaeem but I just got call from Mr. Saleem and he told me that his daughter ran away from home."

He was shocked and confused, mostly hurt,"But why did she do that? " I asked

His father looked away in guilt then he muttered,"She has a boyfriend but his father didn't like him so he arranged her marraige without her consent. He didn't thought that she will embarrass him like that. Has courage to run away from home"

Zaeem's eyes welled with tears which he tried to control. He said in low voice,"You knew about this. you didn't think it is important to tell me. Dad I trusted you. you didn't think that this marraige will spoil my life? Why Dad? Why?" He shouted the last part.

His dad heart broke seeing pain in his son's eyes but he was also helpless. He needed his friend's support.

His dad said,"Our Company need his support and that is his condition to help. He wanted to get you married to his daughter. Please try to understand Zaeem my ancesters hardwork was on stake. I had no choice but to agree."

His each word broke Zaeem's heart into pieces. He can't believe his father gave importance to his company than to his happiness. He trusted him blindly and he broke his trust. Will he be able to trust anyone again? He want to get out of here. He is more hurt by his father's betrayal than his unhappened marriage. He had no feelings for the girl.

He ran away from marriage hall. He feels suffocated by the environment. Everyone looking at him with pity. His parents guilty face. He never wanted to see them like this.

He want to calm his nerves but his bodyguards are following him.. He just want to be alone. He came out of his car and started walking. His bodyguards did the same.

Then He saw a pamplet of Mask party which was held at the nearby club. This is his queue to get away from them. He quickly ran from them and boarded the running bus but He got down soon from other side, before they can notice. They started following the bus in the car thinking He am still inside. He walked towards that club whose location He saw minutes before. I hope this helps me to forget everything that happened today.


Afnaan turned 18 today. He is going out with his friends to club. Aneesha also wants to go to club so after lost of insistance Afnaan agreed to take Aneesha and his sister Zaiba with him. She really want to go to club. She have never went to one but she heard a lot about them from her college mates. Afnaan promised her that he will talk to her Dad and convince him.
Aneesha is very excited.

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