10. Date

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Zaeem's pov:

I was not able to sleep whole night in the anticipation of spending with her. I told her to get ready by 9 but I was ready 7. I took extra care while getting ready. She always praised my looks so I want to look my best today.

As soon as the clock struck 9, I was at her door and she opened it before I knocked so I think we both are eager to spend time together.

She smiled and said," You are on time. "

I said," You too. You look breathtakingly beautiful."

She said," You too."

There was an awkward silence after that. I don't know why we have nothing to say most of the time but this silence also feels peaceful. Her being by my side is enough for me.

After breakfast we told my parents of our plan to spend the day together.

They are ok with it.

I booked tickets to horror movie so that she can hold me closer but my plan failed as she was not at all scared with it. She was enjoying it that's good but mostly girls get scared with horror movies. I guess My Aneesha is unique.

After that we had Lunch at a 5 star restaurant with beautiful view. The atmosphere was so romantic that I want to hold her but there is this hesitation I don't know how to explain, maybe we don't know much about each other and there is this four year distance between us.

Gatheirng courage and got hold of her palm. She smiled at me and got hold of my arm with her hand and leaned her face on it. A shy smile crept on my lips. She was waiting for me to make the first move.

We went to Amusement park but we both are not fond of rides so we didn't spend much time there.

There is lake at 2 hour distance so I drove there to show her the sunset. She slept the whole ride. Once we reached there I opened the car roof the fresh breeze awakened her.

She said," The sunset look so beautiful. Sorry I slept the whole ride. I didn't sleep well last night."

I said," no issues. "

She took her phone from bag to take photos of sunset when I saw there were 50 missed calls from Afnaan, 30 from Mom, 10 from her Dad, 2 from Bestie.

I was worried and said," They are so many calls. May be you should pickup."

She said," I know why they are calling. Ammi, your mom told me while in kitchen that they will talk to my parents about us today and invite them here. I don't want to spoil our time today so I don't want to pick up."

I said," Do you think they will not approve of me?"

She said," Yes, I know they will not agree to our marriage easily. I am their only child and they have this crazy idea that If I get married to Afnaan then I will stay with them even after marriage. My mom is obsessed with this thought that she will not approve of anyone else. They tried their best to instill in my mind that Afnaan is my future husband. I was 12 year old when all of this started"

I said," Why are you so against Afnaan?"

She said," Because he is just like my parents. From childhood my parents gave me what they thought is right for me than what I liked. I have grown in this over protective and  controlled environment where I have no free will. I am not saying they don't love me. They love me a lot. I love them as well but I want to have my own opinion over life. If I get married to Afnaan then I will lose that power. I will have no say in big decisions of my life. "

I said," So you have no personal problems with Afnaan nature or character."

She said," No, He is not a bad person and I know he loves me a lot. He cares for me too."

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