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"Hawthorne, no!" Jackson shouts at me as I run out. "Hold your position!"

But I kneel down beside Boggs anyway. "It's okay, it's okay."

I am reminded of another situation when I do this. Rue. And that most certainly wasn't okay. "The holo," he chokes out, and I see it a couple of metres away; must've got blown out of his hands.

I snatch it up and lie it on his chest. His hands instantly go to it. "Unfit for command, transfer primary security clearance. Say your name," he orders me.

"Willow Hawthorne," I say unsurely.

There's a few beeps and it scans my face. "What did you just do-"

"Willow," Boggs grabs my arms, imploring me to listen. "Don't trust them, Willow. Kill Austin if you have to. Do what you came to do."

What I came to do? Assassinate Snow. But how can Boggs know this? Kill Austin if I have to... don't trust them...

"Boggs?" I ask as his eyes flutter shut. He stops breathing. Lies still.

A hand reaches my shoulder and I can tell it's Gale. Another and I can tell it's Katniss. "It's okay, it's okay..."

That's a lie.

"No!" Suddenly, I see one of the Leeg sisters run forward, and I see her destination. The other sister got the hit just like Boggs, and she's on the ground as well.

But as she runs forward, her foot steps on a loose tile. At least that's what everyone thinks.

Until all the gaps in between the houses begin to shut with black covers. What's going to happen?

Suddenly, a big wave of black... black something comes raining upon us. Nobody knows what's in it, or what it would do if it touches us, but one thing we do know, is that we need to run.


"Come on, come on!" Jackson shouts. Leeg One (I decide to number them, because I don't know their first names) helps Leeg Two up and carries her. The rest of us just run.

"Get to higher ground!"

We run up the way and I just see people going to a random house when I feel my collar getting pulled back into my neck. I turn around just in time to see Austin, shoving me backwards. He forces me down and is just about to slam the gun Boggs gave him (which he also assured he would do no damage with) into my head when I roll over. He hits the stone instead.

Mitchell (I think that's what his name is) wrenches Austin off me, but Austin fights back, and now the black stuff was nearing them-

Austin chucked Mitchell off him and right into the black ooze.


His body then got lifted out by four metal spikes, and impaled repeatedly.

"Austin, NO!" Finnick holds Austin back as he attempts to either chuck someone else off or chuck himself off. I wouldn't put either past him at the moment.

"Get inside!" Holmes yelled as Gale, Finnick, Katniss, Austin and I rushed inside, through a broken window that had clearly been shot by the people before us.

We climb up stone steps, running and running until we meet a section of stair that has been shot down. We couldn't get any further up.

So we'd damn well better hope the black stuff stops before it gets to this level.

"Keep going, to the top!" Jackson shouts, but in my heart, I know we can't.

We all get up and cower there. "It's slowing down!" Cressida points out, and I see that it is. The Capitol must've programmed it to stop after a certain level had been reached.

𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 ☘︎ 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐇𝐚𝐰𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz