02 | Welcome to Hillerska, bitch!

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"Welcome to Hillerska, bitch!"

                CLARA DEFFINATLY DID— not expect the door to her room to burst open while she was studying, and she also didnt expect to be dragged down the halls, by masked figures.

"Dont be scared— this is your innitation." A girls voice teased, gripping her arms. Clara tried to push her off of her, but she held too tight of a grip for Clara to wiggle through.

Clara was pushed onto her knees in the dark street, as the figures circled around her, tuanting her. One of them outstreched a cup, and Clara was left no choice but to choke it back, feeling the burning liquid trailing down her throat, that immediately made her cough. She felt like she was choking, her chest heaving as she felt panicky, and for a moment she thought they were going to kill her— untill one of them ripped their masks off with a beaming smile.

"Welcome to hillerska, bitch!" It was a group of third year girls who circled around her, taking off their masks one by one.

"What the fuck?" She heaved, clutching her chest with one of her hands.

"Come on, get up." One of the girls laughed, pulling her on her feet. Another girl tossed her an alchohal bottle. "I hope you can take your liqour." The girls forced her head back, forcing her to down the whole bottle in one go. Clara deffinatly could not hold her liqour. They slapped her on her back, cheering for her.

The orrignal girl grabbed her on her shouldars, pressing their forheads together. Clara's was sticky with sweat, and she was sure she looked horrible.

"Repeat after me." She instructed, "I swear to never betray the proud traditions of Hillerska."

"I swear I will never betray the proud traditions off hillerska." Repeated Clara.

"Once a sister." She smirked, and the rest of the girls joined in with laughs, "always a sister."

Clara was halfway glad, she had to suffer the first part of her innitation, becuase now she got to enjoy a party, in a tight little red dress, dancing around with her newfound friends. They had placed a bright blue glowstick around her neck, and replaced her old cup with a new cup of alchohal.

"You having fun?" The third year girl who she had learned was named Nina, asked her.

"What?" Clara squinted, unable to think straight as the alchohal from earlier buzzed through her veins.

Nina giggled at her, only shaking her head instead of repeating herself. Nina grabbed her by the hand pulling her over towards the couches, where some of the third year boys sat around, "August!"

August perked up at the sound of his name, glancing between Nina and Clara, "God, Nina. How drunk did you get her?"

"Barely." Nina smiled, pushing Clara forward.

August rolled his eyes, "Nils, Vincent. This is Clara, the princess." Clara plopped down beside August, leaning back on the comfortable couch as the music blared around her. "Sorry, Wilhelm left."

"Oh good." Cheered Clara, bringing the cup to her lips again, before sighing, "hes such a downer, like god, hes so annoying sometimes."

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