12 | one man, two man

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"One man, two man."

OFCOURSE CLARA TOOK— Vincent up on his offer for a party, following him later that night, dressed in a black mini skirt by his side.

"You can head on inside, I gotta make sure no losers get in." Vincent old her, rolling his eyes at the thought of sitting at the doorway for part of the third year party.

Clara let out a soft huff, "ditching me already Vincent?"

Vincent laughed, opening the door for her, "Never— August is already Inside."

Clara walked through the opened door, her eyes scanning through the crowd of older people and flashing lights, trying to find the curly headed boy, though she didnt have to do much searching since he found her.

"Clara." He shouted across the room, pushing past a couple of third years to reach her, "you made it!"

"Figured it was better than sitting in my dorm room." Replied Clara, smiling, "I havent properly seen you in a few days, how are you?"

August forced a smile, "Great— better than ever."

Clara knew there was something else he wanted to say, holding back as he pressed his lips together, looking anywhere but her. Instead of asking him about it, she let it go. If august wanted her to know then he'd tell her.

"Good," she nodded, peering behind him, "how about we kick off this part with a drink?"

August smiled, draping an arm over Clara's shoulders and tugging her towards the drink table.

All Clara wanted, was one peacefull night, that she could let loose and not have to worry about anything, but that hope was crushed as soon as Henry walked through the door, with none other than her brother. Clara felt her blood boil at the sight, how could Henry just go behind her back like that. Henry didnt even bother looking towards her, turning away from the couch she was sitting on, with the three boys.

"What a loser." Laughed Clara, her voice vibrating the rim of the plastic cup as she brought it towards her mouth.

Vincent raised in eyebrow, his arm draped across her shoulders, a drink in his other hand, "who?"

"Who do you think?" Clara gave him a pointed look, using the hand that was around her to point towards the group of boys that had proudly forced their way through the party's door.

Vincent looks towards where she was pointing, his expression almost immediatly dropping, "Dont even get me started."

"Not happy to see your own brother?" Nil chuckled, from Vincents other side.

Clara scoffed, "if you can even call him that— we're not on the best terms right now."

"What happened?" August quickly asked, his brows furrowing.

"We got into an argument during the Lucia—" Clara chugged the rest of her drink, handing the empty cup to Vincent, "He said some preety fucked up things to me."

Vincent put her empty cup underneath his, stacking them, "fuck him then."

"Wouldent you like to." Chuckled Nils jokenly, though Vincent rolled his eyes and brushed Nils comment off.

"Why does Henry keep looking at you." August smirked, nudging her teasingly. Clara groaned, making the three boys laugh.

"Shut the hell up, make him stop looking." Clara begged him, and vincent shrugged, muttering a small ok, as he leaned forward, pulling Clara closer towards him, and into his lap. Clara let out a breathy gasp. "Vincent."

"You said to make him stop looking." He smirked, bringing his lips onto her skin.

Clara hummed, as vincent trailed down her neck, leaving light kisses, that would no doubt leave a mark.

Nils and August beside them, were smirking, looking anywhere but the pair as they began to engage in a conversation with eachother, probally planning on teasing Vincent about it later, but Clara didnt seem to care.

"He still looking?" Mumbled Vincent, his voice muffled by her skin.

"Yup." August said annoyed, dragging his hands through his hair.

"Fuck." Groaned Vincent, tugging Clara's head towards his so their lips connected.

"Get a room you two." Laughed Nils, pushing Vincent away.

"Fine, if you insist." Vincent jumped up, pulling Clara with him.

      Henry was fuming when he saw Clara and Vincent together, but at the same time he couldnt help but feel abandoned that she would even do that to him, that she even thought it was okay. Henry wanted to push Vincent away from her, and take his place instead, but mostly he wished that Vincent wasnt even in this situation, that it was just him. Why wasnt he enough? Why did Clara need two boys wrapped around his finger, and why Vincent off all people? Why would she choose him?

Walter from beside him, patted him on his back, pulling him away from the scene, and stopping him from storming over to the other group and fighting Vincent. Henry wanted to scream— to scream at Clara and Vincent, tell them that they were cowards and that she should be ashamed, but he held his tounge, turning away and pretending he didnt see it, becuase Henry could never be angry with Clara, he was heartbroken

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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