04 | If your scared, I'll protect you

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"If your scared, I'll protect you."

               CLARA WALKED INTO—
The movie behind Wilhelm, who immediately moved from her and towards Simon. Clara rolled her eyes at her brother's behavior, before hopping over the discsared blankets on the floor, toward Henry, at the back of the room. He was on a blow up chair, with Walter beside him.

"I didnt think you'd actually come." Henry's face lit up, as Clara sat down infront of him, moving between his legs, so she could lean back on him.

"You asked me too." She said softly, as Henry reajusted, draping his hand across her shoulder. His fingers traced her clothed skin, sending soft sensation throughout her body.

When the movie started, Henry seemed to shift closer to Clara, the lights dimming so no one could see them, he pulled her further between him. Playing with her soft hair, and twirling it between his finger. Clara smiled, as she felt her hair fall onto her back, and tilted her head towards him.

"What?" He whispered, a small smile coming onto his face.

"Nothing." Clara shrugged, leaning against him again.

"Are you scared?" Asked Henry, teasingly.

"No." Replied Clara quickly, she had barely even been watching the movie, too preoccupied with Henry's small delicate movement to even pay attention. Whenever she tried, her mind just kept drifting towards him.

"If your scared, I'll protect you." He reassured her, rubbing her shoulder.

"Im not scared, Henry." She told him, rolling her eyes, "this movie is boring."

It was a moment before Henry managed to reply, "it seems your brother thinks so too."

Clara's eyes lifted towards the moving figure, who exited quickly, and Clara almost thought about going after him, but Simon beat him too it, rushing after wilhelm.

"Weird." She mumbled, prying her eyes from the doorway and back towards the movie— that she wasnt watching. "Im sure hes fine."

"Maybe he's scared." Chuckled Henry.

"You think Simons going to protect him too?" Continued Clara.

"Oh deffinatly. Simon's a big strong boy you know." Henry said sarcastically, drumming his fingers along Clara's shoulders, beggining to find the movie boring aswell.

"Oh I bet he is." Clara scoffed. "Are your parents coming for parents day?"

Henry shrugged, "probally— are yours?"

"No, deffinatly not. They're too busy with monarchy shit." Clara sighed.

"Their loss." Said Henry, "You'll probally get to meet my parents though, you'll love them."

"Wow meeting the family already? And this isnt even the first date." Clara smirked.

"Actually I think were on the second date— y'know with you stripping infront of me, as the first—" Henry teased her.

Clara covered her eyes, embarrased, "do you always have to bring that up!"


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