05 | Good before bad

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"Good before bad."

The hall with everyones eyes on her, watching her as she walked confidently. Everyone knew who she was, and the students who had adjusted to seing Clara around them glanced away, but they're parents did not, and continued to stare even though it was impolite.

Clara scanned the hall for any sigh or Henry, and as soon as she spotted him she broke out into a sincere smile, ofcourse his eyes were already on her, waiting for her. Clara had to make a pitstop at August's table, who seemed to be drowning in his situation. She placed her hands on the back of his seat, "August."

August timidly jumped, but the tension from his shoulder relaxed at the sight of Clara, "Oh, Clara. Good to see you."

Clara smiled, "for like the eight time today, Erik says hi by the way."

August smiled at the mention of Clara's brother, and nodded before gesturing to the woman beside him, "Clara this is my mother, mom this is Princess Clara."

"We've met before, August." His mother told him, shaking Clara's hand politly.

"Its great to see you again." Clara smiled warmly, and as much as she tried to force her eyes on the group infront of her, she couldnt help but let them drift towards Henry. "My apolagies to cut this short, but im afraid someone is expecting me— ill see you later August?"

"Yes ofcourse." August nodded, his eyes following hers over to Henry's before he smirked, "dont let me keep you, Clara."

Clara smiled, giving him a reassuring pat before she made her way over to Henry.

"Oh, Henry. Look who it is." Walter teased, nudging him on the shoulder. Ignoring their parents questioning looks.

"Good after noon, Walter." Clara smiled, before turning back to Henry, "Henry."

Henry pulled out the seat beside him, between him and Walter, gesturing for Clara to sit down, "Hi Clara— oh these are my parents."

Clara's face lit up, trying her best to act well mannered and impress Henry's parents, "pleasure to meet you, Im Clara." She shook their hands.

"You didnt tell me you were friends with the princess." Henry's father said in disbleief, glancing between the pair.

"It didnt come up." Henry adjusted akwardly. "What took you so long?"

"Oh, Erik called, and then I had to save August over there, from whatever that is." She gestured towards his table in a low whisper.

Henry smiled, taking in the situation before his eyes drifted elsewhere, "I reckon that ones worse."

Clara internally groaned when she spotted where he was talking about. It was where Wilhelm was sitting— ofcourse it was Wilhelm, he was always getting himself into unessesary trouble.

Clara jokingly rolled her eyes at Henry, "Its always Wille."

Henry laughed turning back around in his seat, "hes like a magnet— though you always get yourself in unpredictable situations aswell."

Walter chuckled beside her, earning himself a swat on the shoulder, "that was not my fault!"

"Sure it wasnt, I mean doesnt seem like Henry minded." Walter teased giving Henry a knowing look.

"Oh Fuck you, walter." Henry shot back.

"Henry!" His Father scolded, "You cant swear infront of the princess."

"Oh no, its alright I dont mind." She reassured, "and you can just call me Clara."

Henry leaned closer towsrds Clara, whispering in her ear, "if only he knew the things you've done."

"Shut up, Henry!" Laughed Clara, burying her head behind his jacket to hide her red face.

"You know its true!" Henry continued to tease, "dont even try to deny it."

"Im not! But you dont need to bring it up everyday!"

"Fine; remember when you puked on the lawn?" That sent the two boys reeling, slapping eachother, as Clara huffed, trying to hold back a smile. "Come on, Clara. Laugh a little." Henry pinched at her cheeks, forcing her to break.

After a while, it was easier for the group to calm down from their antics, And they became more comfortable with Clara's presense— Henry more so than others, as he had his hand pressed onto Clara's thigh, rubbing soft shapes into her skin

Clara had just begun to enjoy Parents day, in the presense of Henry and Walter, before she had gotten called down to the headmaster office. Wilhelm was already sitting there, waiting for her.

"Wilhelm, Clara its your mother." Was the first thing that came through the phone, that wilhelm was holding,

"Hi, whats the matter?" Wilhelm shuffled on his feet, sending Clara a concerned look.

The queen breathed shakily, "Its— its Erik. He was going too fast and lost control."


"He was in a car accident." Clara felt her hands begin to shake as she heard her mothers sobs echoe through the phone, "Wil-wilhelm, Clara, Erik is dead."

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