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I only realized what I'd done when I got back to the bus and saw Matt passed out on the settee. I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night, not that there was much left to it, it was 4 AM when I got back to the bus. I couldn't believe I'd done all that, I was fucking flirting with her the whole night, getting closer to her when I shouldn't have been. I didn't dwell more on the fact I may have betrayed Matt, just a good hour, the rest of it was spent thinking of our conversations of the night. She thought so differently and I could swear that she was really from the 70s, 40s, or 50s more than any other period, definitely not from this time. She's like a breath of fresh air, like she's from a different world.

"Al!" I jumped looking over to the boys who were staring at me.

"Jesus, we've been calling you," I pinched the bridge of my nose and rubbed my eyes before sitting up.

"Right, sorry."

"'ave you got any inspiration yet?" Matt asked. Fuck, I almost forgot. I thought of it last night when I was at Charlotte's, I thought of telling her about needing to start writing the new album but I'd gotten distracted when I started thinking of her again, how she was literally from outer space, like an exploration of a new world. Then she asked me if I wanted another cuppa and I completely forgot until now. Fuck. I rushed to find the black notebook that I kept in my jacket pocket and yanked it out, flipping to a new page. I scribbled down the words that came to mind, interstellar, outer space, exploration, 70s head. Nick cleared his throat awkwardly and I saw the boys staring at me still from the corner of my eye but I couldn't be bothered with them. The damn of inspiration finally fucking burst as I started writing the first song. I was relieved that it'd started flowing, I'd been stressing about getting it done as soon as we had told decided we wanted the album to be a bit more edgy and sexy, kinda like 505. But I couldn't ignore who the lyrics were about, it was plain and obvious right in front of me as I wrote down the lyrics. It also meant this song would take some time to write, and probably this whole album to write because I didn't see her much and she was the only thing inspiring anything coming out. When I finished scribbling down the few ideas I had I stood and looked over to the boys cause we were supposed to be going to rehearsal. But all they did was stare at me with raised eyebrows and gesture for me to explain myself. I sighed knowing I couldn't explain and shook me head.

"We have rehearsal," I made my way past them and into the Range Rover I rented out and waited for the boys to hop in after me, Matt sitting in the front seat.

"Helders, what's Lottie doing today?" Jamie asked from the back.

"Uh, she has classes," It was our last day and she had classes.

"Do you think she'd want to hang out after?" I started getting hopeful and waited for Matt's response to Nick's question.

"I'll call and ask," He started dialing her without thinking that she might be in a class.

"Matt, she might be in a class," I rushed out, not wanting her to be embarrassed or anything.

"Fu- wait she answered," He started and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Why do I care so much about her being embarrassed? "You're on speaker."

"Hi, boys," I smiled hearing her voice and we all said hi back.

"We were wondering if you wanted to hang out later since it's our last day in Edinburgh," I forgot it was our last day, fuck I'm not going to see her again and I was just fucking getting inspiration, I hit the steering wheel.

"Your last day?" She sounded a bit disappointed, I was glad it seemed she might miss us but she could just miss Matt. "Um... sure, I've got classes until four but you guys have a gig don't you?" Maybe we can stay another day and just leave the night before and drive over to Glasgow early in the morning the day of the gig.

Piledriver Waltz ☆ Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now