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The drive in the back of the cab was long and quiet and cold, but atleast the cold kept me awake. I knew I'd regret not sleeping in the cab later, it was probably fine anyway, he most likely wasn't a serial killer. As I entered my flat it had that soft white noise that was always so welcoming after a night out. It was 4:30 in the morning, still dark out, it made me want to pass out in my comfortable bed under the warm blankets but I knew if I fell asleep I wouldn't be up in time to meet William at 9 so I made a cup of coffee instead and pulled out my phone. I texted Alex first, he'd sent me a text asking if I'd gotten home okay, I told him I just got home and told the same to Matt right after, then went back to Alex.

'Go to sleep' I told him once I saw the double check mark under my text.

'Just needed to make sure you were home safe, love
Goodnight darling' The response made me smile.

'You're so sweet, Al
Sweet dreams' After I finished my coffee I hopped in the shower, feeling a little disgusting after drinking so much.


"Charlotte," The voice behind me was deep, one I was expecting but still made me jump. I spun around to see William standing there all stoic in his suit.

"William," I repeated, he smiled at me a crooked smile.

"I've found us a table," I followed him 'round to a corner of the library where we sat down infront of a big window with a view over Edinburgh's foggy ancient stone budings. "How are you?"

"Oh, I'm alright. How are you?" I smiled.

"Just fine, thank you," He pulled out his notes and we began on our assignment. I was surprised at how much we'd gotten done. It was enjoyable working with him, we got things done like clockwork together. Everything was efficiently done, both of us giving praise for out work to the other and we'd gotten the outline of everything done in a couple hours. It didn't feel like hours, it felt really like a hour and a half but it had been two and a half and I expected it to take three or four.

"I think that's alright for now. Are you happy with what we've done today?" William asked, collecting his papers as a frown made its way to my face.

"Oh, wow, yes, of course. Wow," I looked at my watch. "didn't take so long, did it? Thought it'd take much longer," I closed my laptop, starting to gather my own notes and papers.

"I could use a cup of coffee, would you like to join me?" William asked. "I'd like to discuss some things from our classics course," I felt bad that it took me so long to answer and he was watching my reaction. I wasn't expecting to be asked to go get coffee with anyone and even then, was it friendly coffee? However confusing it was, I did want to discuss Classics, I didn't get to do that often.

"That'd be lovely...," We packed up our things and started down the street.

"D'you know anywhere?" In fact, I knew the perfect place, he may not like it but it's the only cafe he'd come close enough to liking.

"I do," I lead him to a little Cafe where the walls were stone and there was a little table with two cushioned armchairs across from eachother infront of a window waiting for us. We ordered our coffees, I'd gotten something with cinnamon in the name and throth ontop. Will began by telling me about his views on Plato that I quite agreed with and it only spiralled from there. we fell into story after story, script after script, there was no room for silence because everything he said prompted me to say something else that would prompt him. At one point I'd brought up Plato's idea of form of the good that sent him into a very extensive 45 minute monologue down atleast five rabbit holes. The way he spoke was captivating, the way people spoke about things they were pationate about. The extent of history he knew was impressive to say the least. But I surprised myself too, intersepting with things he hadn't thought about and telling him my opinion, I myself going on small monologues, I've never been one to talk so much. He asked for my opinion on everything and watched me intently as I gave my answer, sipping on his black coffee, crystal clear eyes looking up at me from under the dark brown strands of hair falling onto his forehead. It made me uneasy being watched like that. First of all he was very attractive and watching me like that. Second, I overall got anxious when people watch me. Third, I had a bad feeling when I looked at him that wasn't coming from him, but from inside of me. Around one we ordered lunch and ate in the same place and forgot about the time's ability to fly. William had just finished telling me about a lecture he'd been to when I noticed how low the sun had gotten. I quickly checked my watch. 5 PM. Far later than I wanted to be out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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