First day

18 10 3

Song: Runaway by Kanye West

"You are the main character of your life So act like it"


"Have a wonderful first day, sweet pea," my mom said, causing a smile to spread across my face. "I will. I've got to go or I might be late," I responded, swinging my backpack onto my shoulders and giving her a kiss on the cheek. Closing the door behind me, I hopped onto my bike. Mom always said she'd drive me to school once she could afford a car, but I've grown attached to my bike. Despite its chipped pink paint giving it an old look, but the cute bell on top is simply iconic.

Thankfully, school isn't too far away. Although I'm in grade 10, this is the first time in 2 years that I've set foot in a school since being home schooled. Needless to say, I'm shitting myself. Everyone will probably arrive in cars bought by their wealthy parents, while I'm just rolling up on my bike, which seems fit for a literal 9-year-old. But I have to admit, it's much better than any car it's like having a pass to skip the traffic.

Making my way into the school building where I quickly tried to search for a parking spot so I could get of my bike until suddenly, my body jerks up and then down abruptly, causing a pain in my butt. Looking behind me, I spot a large rock, probably amused at making me appear like a total idiot.

Turning around, a black car fills my vision. I attempt to reach for the brakes, but it's too late. My bike crashes into it, the loud crash drawing the attention of nearby students to run over.

"Oh no," I mutter as I pull the bike away to examine the damage. How on earth did I manage to dent the car that badly? Am I secretly the Hulk or something? I chuckle quietly to myself. "Do you find something amusing, you little bitch?" a voice snaps at me. I can't be that little if I create such a big dent in your car I thought to myself before looking up at the most handsome person I think I've ever set eyes on I stood there taking in his appearance forgetting that he'd asked me a question until laughter brings me back to reality.

"I think she's checking you out, man," someone jokes, causing more laughter. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," I apologize quietly feeling overwhelmed by the massive crowed that have sworn over us like it's any off there business.

"You're going to pay for this, bitch," he declares, his face inching closer. My mouth feels as if it's struggling for words "I-I will. I'm sorry," I manage to stammer out before the bell rings, signalling the start of class as students make their way to their classrooms, signing to there friends that they didn't see a fight.

Out of nowhere, his powerful fist lunges and strikes me directly in the mouth. I stumble back and trip over my own foot causing me to fall backgrounds in pain. The taste of blood fills my mouth and spills out from my lips as I bring my hand up to my mouth to contain the blood stopping it from staining my white shirt.

"I want the money by tomorrow, you fat fuck," he laughs as he walks away. "Are you okay?" I hear a concerned voice behind me, causing me to turn my head. A boy runs towards me, with nicely styled blonde hair, a strong jawline, basically everything that could make a girl kneel down. I look up at him, feeling too weak to stand. "What happened, princess?" He bends down to my level and gently takes my face in his hands, examining my split lip. I melt in my skin at his soft touch I've never really received much male attention before so this feels like heaven.

He waits for my response, should I tell him that I got punched? What if it scares him off? "I got punched, but it's honestly not as bad as it looks," I whimper in pain as he gently runs his thumb over my split lip. "This looks pretty bad, princess. Let's get you to the nurse," he suggests, standing up and helping me to my feet. I wrap my arm around his shoulder feeling like I'm about to pass out at any moment, We walk slowly to the entrance as I whimper in pain from my lip and my ankle. I feel someone's stare piercing me; I turn to the window where the same boy from earlier is staring at me in a 'I will beat you up' kind of way.

He's so weird, I get it I would be angry if someone dented my car but to punch me that was way to far. I just hope we don't mix paths he looks strong so I basically have no change against him. Something to know about me is that I'm very much bark on the inside but I wouldn't hurt a fly I doubt I could even throw a punch correctly I should just stay out of his way he obviously has problems and it's for the best if I stay clear before I lose my head.

He opens the door to what I assume is the nurse's office, but honestly, my lip isn't that bad but its nice to see that someone cares Speaking of him I haven't even asked what his name is. He's taken time out of his day to help me, and I don't even know his name. I'm such a horrible person.

" I haven't even asked for your name. "It's James, sweetheart," he responds causing me to blush I've always been a sucker for nicknames. "I'm Isabella. Thank you for helping me." I let out without stuttering which left me a bit surprised. I normally stutter like crazy when I first meet someone I'm finally moving on in life I smiled to myself.

We enter the nurse's office as she rushes towards us. "Oh my, what happened, dear?" she asks in concern as she quickly takes my arm off James and seats me in a chair. "She got punched," James speaks before I get the chance." Thank you, James. I've got it from here. You can head to class," she smiles sweetly, reminding me of my mother: kind, caring, and always helping people.

"T-thank you James" I smiled before he left. Shit.


Hope yall enjoyed the first chapter.

1069 words.

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