Chapter 4: I'm Glad You Came

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    Meanwhile inside the hotel, the group had just finished singing a song about saying sorry and what not. After some mess happened with Sir Pentious turning out to be a spy. Alastor, looking for any reason to get under Vox's demonic skin couldn't pass up the opportunity to taunt him.

Vox: WHAT?!?

   Vox pauses when he realizes that Alastor is the one calling him, showing fear in his screen face as Alastor laughs at his attempt to interfere with his affairs.

Alastor: You'll have to try harder than that next time, ol' pal!

   Alastor crushes the watch as Vox screams in frustration, allowing Alastor to slip back into the dark. But is cut off by a portal opening in front of him as you fall out, landing gracefully on your feet in front of him.

Y/N: Oh, crap! You're Alastor yes? Sorry, this portal stuff was never my best stuff.

  You say, closing it behind you.

Alastor: It's quite alright. In all honesty, I'm amazed to see you back again so soon my boy. It must not be easy to bend the rules of heaven to come and go to hell as you please.

Y/N: I'm not here for any trouble. I just wanna help Charlie with her Hotel.

Alastor: An angel risking so much for a pipe dream. Now that's true entertainment.

  Alastor manifests next to you as you just stare a him.

Alastor: I must ask, what are you hoping to gain from all this? Surely a throne has better things to do then break the rules. We all know what happened to the last Angel who broke the rules.

Y/N: I am well aware and your odd concern is appreciated. But right now I can handle it. Umm, it's been a pleasure talking to you. . . Alastor.

Alastor: Likewise. Do feel free to stop by and chat, maybe we could strike up some interesting topics.

Y/N: I'll. . . keep that in mind.

  Alastor goes to walk away but you were still a tad bit curious, it seemed like something just happened before you got back. Although you decided to let the matter rest. You didn't want to pry into hell's affairs if they did not want you or need you in them. You let out a sigh as you looked around for a moment.

Y/N: It seems it is late for them here. 

  You move to the couch as you sit on it, criss-crossed with your hands on your knees, taking a deep inhale of breath. Calming yourself as you take your breaths. Closing all of your eyes as the light of your hallow dims in your slumber.

  Taking a rest, you tried to think about other things. Being back here, you felt your heart ache as you remembered Vaggie once again. You did still love her deeply, but you could not force yourself between her and Charlie. Normally, angels would fear to tread in hell for as long as you had planned. But in your human life, you were born into humanity's most wicked times.

  Evil surrounded you since the day you were born all the way through your biblically long life till your death. So it made sense that you could handle being in hell.

  You had spent over nine hundred years alive on earth, dealing with the evil of human hearts and the monsters known as the Nephilim. Some months in hell was something you could handle. As long as you had your faith, nothing could break you. This made you annoyed that you didn't care about the extermination at first. But if you weren't for it, you may have never even met Vaggie.


  You returned from earth with a echoing boom, landing on the gilded streets of heaven. Your long white coat flowing as you walked with authority, the light from your halo and your burning hair that burned like the sun obscured your six eyes.

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