Chapter 5: Convoluted

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  (I had to draw a lot so that's why this took a bit longer than normal. So I hope you enjoy the story and art.)

  You watch for a moment as you see Vaggie and Charlie setting up for the next activity. You really didn't feel right in your headspace to be partaking in the activity.

  Trying your hardest not to feel anything, even as Charlie beckoned you to offer your hand in help. You would see her and Vaggie speaking with one another, catching glances of them speaking with so much love in their words. It twisted you a bit as you unconsciously burn the tools in your hands to ashes in holy fire as they fall like sand through your finger tips.

Y/N: You know what, I'm gonna go. I have matters in heaven to attend to, and then I shall return.

Charlie: Oh. Will it be long?

Y/N: No. But, in the meantime. Just. . . do great.

  You ruffle Charlies hair as you walk up the stairs and to your room. You and Vaggie sharing a small glance before you vanish up the steps. Going into your room as you notice Alastor walking by with Sir Pentious' eggs.

Y/N: Will you be partaking in their trust exercise? 

Alastor: Oh heavens no. I'm going on stroll of the circles. Not to bore you with the details. 

Y/N: Hmm, may haps you're right. Enjoy your walk then.

  You walk to your room as your other sets of eyes open, looking back at Alastor as he leaves your line of sight. You wanted something to do, and you did not trust Alastor. Not with Charlie especially. Watching him leave the hotel grounds through your window. You smile to your self as you open the window. Spreading your wings.

Y/N: I needed something to do. 

  You take to the skies, watching Alastor as you keep a distance where no one can see you. Staying to the shadows, as all the eyes on your halo close, growing dim to make it easier to follow him without being spotted.

Egg Boiz: Oh, boy! What's the plan, boss? I like your suit! What are the antlers for? Can I touch your staff thing? Are those your ears or is it your hair? I can't tell!

  Alastor's eye twitches as he walks down the street, a pained smile on his face. A shaded figure watches him from behind, before appearing in front of him, revealing himself to be an Overlord, Zestial.

Zestial: Hark, Alastor. How fare thee this day?

Egg Boi: Who's that, boss? Want me to rough him up for you?

Alastor: Follow in silence if you value your shell! 

  He taps the egg's shell as he turns back to Zestial.

Alastor: Greetings, Zestial!

  A demon comes out from an alleyway and sees Alastor and Zestial.

Demon: Oh, holy shit!

Zestial: Ah, the weather, doth become this fine day.

  You observe from the rooftops seeing how all the demons were reacting. They were reacting almost as badly as when they saw you walking the streets.

Alastor: Indeed, looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon!

  Another demon seeing the pair, douses himself with gasoline, lighting himself on fire.

Zestial: If our luck doth hold! I do revel in the screams. How art thou?

  Zestial begins walking down the street with Alastor as tons of demons spotted them and hide, run, or avoid them from getting in their way.

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