Chapter 8: Bad Romance

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  You awoke the next day resting your head on Charlie's chest. She was so soft and smelled of berries. You lightly sit up from the couch, stretching your wings and arms out as you snap your fingers, making your jacket appear in your hands, then draping it over Charlie.

You kneel next to the couch watching her sleep as your hand caresses her face lightly. Moving a strand of her hair to the side. 

Y/N: So pretty.

???: Careful what you put your hands on.

  You quickly jolt up, ready to incinerate the source of the voice with your eyes as you look over at the bar to see Husker.

Y/N: Oh, it's you. 

  You walk over to the bar and sit down at one of the stools as Husker was cleaning one of the glasses.

Y/N: So, how did you sleep?

Husker: Cut the shit angel boy. Nothing makes me more sick than dealing with a fake ass smile, and trust me, I've seen enough of em.

  A sigh passes your lips as you hold your held down at the bar. Your hair sprawled out on the counter as you let out a deep sigh from your core.

Y/N: Wait, you said something to me earlier.

Husker: You mean how you were lookin at the Princess like a child in a candy store? Yeah, that's what I meant.

Y/N: I was not looking at her that way?

Husker: I came out here and you were on her like white on rice. Careful her other half doesn't find you two like that. Don't know if you bastards can even bleed, but I ain't cleaning that shit up.

Y/N: You mean Vaggie. . . Right. Well, I'll be sure to keep that in mind. But in the meantime, got any wine?

Husker: Little early to be drinking ain't it?

Y/N: Hey, when in Rome.

  Husker takes out a bottle of wine, pouring you a glass as you take the glass and down the glass in seconds. You let out a sigh of relief as you get a call on your phone. Taking it out, you bring it up to your ear.

Y/N: Hello?

Velvette: Hey (Y/N) darling. How'd you sleep?

Y/N: Oh, umm well-

Velvette: Great, great. Anywho, I need you here for a photo shoot. So get your angelic ass down here asap! Love you darling, kisses.

  With that the call ends. It was honestly something you felt as though you needed. Since being around the Hotel made you think about Vaggie too often. Yeah, you still weren't over it, but who could blame you.

Y/N: Thanks for the drink Husker. And the mild talk. But I best not be gone from my tasks above.

  Again, not a lie, you did have tasks.

  You open the door and spread your wings. Taking off high into the sky at high speeds. 

  Charlie weakly opens her eyes, sitting up and stretching.

Charlie: *yawn* Hmmm, huh? What's-

  Charlie looks at your jacket with a slight smile. Looking up and noticing Husker.

Charlie: Where did (Y/N) go?

Husker: He just left Princess. Also, not that it's any of my business. You better be careful around him. Somethin tells me he's hidin something. 

  Charlie looked a bit confused.

Charlie: You really think an angel would lie to us?

Husker: Believe, don't believe. Doesn't matter. But it just doesn't sit right that he comes down helpin us. 

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