Chapter 9: Demon Slayer

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  You remembered your past once again after you met Edna. For years life with her was amazing to say the least. It was around this time humans aged slower than they do in the modern day, so while the both of you were in your hundreds yet still looked as though you both were in your prime. 

  After the two of you had your first son, Lamech, it was around this time you and your father, Enoch had to part ways. After the death of your mother, he did not feel sad, he did not grieve, because he knew she was in a better place, and that he would soon meet her there. 

  Eventually, you and he parted ways so that he could walk the path with the creator. You may have been an older man, but you missed your parents. Now the torch had passed onto you. You, your wife Edna, and your infant son Lamech.

  It was a long night as you rested. You heard light whispers that called out to you.

???: Methuselah.

  You lightly sit up as you see a faint glow outside of your tent along with the whisper. Moving Edna's hand lightly off your chest as you see her messy hair sprawled out over her pillow. Moving quietly, you exit your tent as you see a faint glow.

  Making your way, you made sure not to stray too far as you were taken into the forest. Moving the brush out of your way as the light grew brighter. You approach to see what was causing such light that rivaled the moon. As you got closer, you noticed something that looked like a blade, stabbed into a stone.

  The sword was on fire, the flames were bright, a mix of gold flames with silver crackles of lighting. You approached the blade as you felt drawn to it, like a moth to a literal flame. You reached out lightly, though recoiled, afraid your hand would burn.

  Holding your hand over the flame as it touched your hand, but you felt no pain. The lightning connected to your hand and it felt like you were feeling the holy spirit reach out and touch your very soul through just your palm.

???: Methuselah.

  You look around once again at the soft voice.

???: Take the blade from the earth. Wield it, and sever the evil that surrounds you.

  You reached for the blade as you heard the snapping of a stick which drew your attention. You looked like a deer caught and surrounded by a pack of wolves.

  Turning around once again, you see what looks like a goat.

Methuselah: Oh, you're far out for a little goat aren't you?

  You wanted to feel relived, but your instincts made your blood run cold. You stare at the goat as it's form began to twist as it got closer to the light of the blade. It's head twisted as the teeth in its mouth grew sharp. Blood began to drip as it seemed as though it's flesh was ripping from it's body. You were paralyzed in fear as it's animalistic noses began to sound like a creature drowning and choking on blood.

  It's limbs twisted and turned as it grew taller. It was thin, but it stood as tall as the trees. You backed away as fear gripped your heart for the moment. But you turned to the blade. Quickly grabbing it and taking it into your grasp.

Methuselah: What circle of hell did you crawl out of.

  The blood gurgling noises began to speak words. It was a dark voice, and it rattle your soul as it spoke. It sounded like it hurt it to speak, but it's mouth only rang full with blasphemy. It was so dark that you felt unclean just listening to it's words, in a language you did not understand, but you understood one thing out of it's mouth.


  It knew your name. The demon knew your name, as it only approached closer. Rushing at you as it pinned you to a tree taster than you could react, making you drop the blade. You were forced to look at its horrific maw of teeth as you felt it's breath that reeked of blood and death. IT looked like a possessed corpse had taken form, forcing the body to move beyond it's limits.  

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