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Till pov:

Ivan....Ivan was dead....

I was staring at his dead body...lifeless...

Under the rain...blood pouring out of his body...

I stared there in shock with mixed emotions...

He..he is actually dead...

I felt my world crashing down... Just me and his lifeless body...

I couldn't even pay attention to the ground below the stage... All those humans and aliens witnessing all of that....

I knelt down to his body... Caressing his face... A pathetic smile plastered on his face...

Why... Why did you have to sacrifice yourself for me... I would've willingly die right there and then... I have already 'lost' her.. now I have lost you...

As much as I 'hate' you... And have fights with you... I still 'care' about you...

The kiss... Your warm lips on mine... Oh how much I 'hated' it...

I pressed the tips of my fingers against my lips... Oh how the tingling feeling of his lips still linger in my own...


The aliens... Taking you away in a stretchers or whatever those things are called... Oh how I stared at your lifeless face... That smile.... That 'pathetic' smile of yours... Oh how it infuriates me too see that smile of yours...

Those same aliens escorted me out of the stage leaving all of those aliens and people shocked...

They left me in my confinement with my collar. The cell they keep me for experiments and 'other' things.

Though I didn't want to believe what happened in stage was real... I mean.. I witnessed it with my own eyes... Guess this is what they call 'in denial' or something...

While I was still processing what happened the alarm went off. That's strange... I thought red filling the room staining my eyes. I saw 'guards' running past my cell. I got up pressing my face in the window (I think there's windows on his cell idk) trying to see what they were running after. Though I couldn't see properly as it was all red, so I can barely desifer what or who they were after. I just went back to sitting on the ground, raising my knees near my chest and hugging them putting my head down trying to shut the noise and brightness...

After a while of sitting there I heard an explosion what the fuck... I looked up and saw someone... A man similar to Luka.. but more, muscular?? "Hey dude!! I'm here to break you out!!" The man said with a smug smile. Before I could even react he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out "wait wait who even are you?!!" I screamed amidst all the noise "questions later!!" He said as he continued to drag me. Am I really being saved? I thought.

We stopped at an unknown location I finally got the chance to breath. I looked around and saw someone else before I could even say anything the man that dragged me here spoke cutting me off "so... Is there anyone else that you know that we can save? I'm Dewey by the way and that dude is Isaac we're here with some of your friends" the blonde said with a smile. "O-oh uhm.. well I'm Till.." "hm.. Till? Oh I've heard that name from Mizi.." Dewey mumbled. I didn't really hear what he mumbled I didn't really care, even though I know they're names they're still complete strangers to me.

A few minutes later of waiting with these two strange men I hear footsteps they quickly pulled out their guns and I was there defenseless. When the footsteps came closer it was a dark brown hair girl and Mizi wait MIZI?!! I stared at Mizi, her golden eyes looking at me concerned and her beautiful pink hair cut off. "Oh my gosh!! Till!! I'm so glad you're ok" she went towards me and hugged me tightly. I looked at her with shock my long time crush is actually hugging me but.. I don't really get the same feelings that I felt with her before when I used to get a warm sensation on my stomach and my cheeks I think they're called 'butterflies'? Whatever that means. "Yeah I'm fine" she pulled back almost battling tears I suppose "I saw what happened in stage" she looked at me with worry "are you ok?" "Yeah.." "hm well, let's go look for other people to save Hyuna" she turned around looking at the girl who I assume is Hyuna "aight let's go. Dewey, Isaac and.." she paused at me "oh I'm Till" "ok Till you go find a safe place while we look for other people" we all agreed and we went out separate ways.

Once Hyuna and Mizi went out of sight we went into the opposite direction "let's go find our motorcycle I think I left it here" the guy named Isaac said as we kept running following him. Once we found the vehicle we boarded it and went off to the exit that they exploded I guess. "So Till mind telling some stuff about you?" Dewey said breaking the silence of the ride "oh uh sure? So as you know my name is Till, I like doodling and writing music oh and playing guitar and singing" I rambled telling them little stuff that I do "wow you seem to be one gifted kid" Dewey chuckled. I kinda blushed from the compliment as I'm not used to people complimenting unless if it's Ivan.. Ivan.(I'm not shipping them 😭)


so my genshin phase has been slowly fading 😭😭 once VIVINOS uploaded round 6. I didn't really find any finished IvanTill fanfic here in Wattpad so I decided why not I should make it so yeah this fanfic was born. I hope you would enjoy this <33


Word count: 974

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