[Alive?] ch.1

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3rd person pov:

[Meanwhile with Mizi and Hyuna]

"Do you think there's anything here?" Mizi said peaking through a room she opened looking to see what was inside. "Hm let's check" Hyuna said stepping in front of Mizi to get inside the un-lit room "it's so dark in here.. is there a light switch??" Mizi said as she frantically looked for a switch, once she found it she flicked it on and the room turned bright. "This place.. seems to be a hospital room??" They looked around and saw lots of machines beeping and medical tools in the corner "is there someone here??" Mizi said looking around until she spotted a white curtain covering a hospital bed.

Mizi walked towards the curtain and hesitantly pulled it aside revealing a raved haired boy peacefully sleeping "IVAN!" Mizi whisper shout as she saw the person she considered a friend laying there.

When she heard Mizi shout, Hyuna went towards her to see what had just happened, as she stopped behind Mizi she turned around facing Hyuna with tears in her eyes "hey hey.. you ok??" Hyuna said as she comforted Mizi "yeah..." She sniffed, hugging Hyuna. Hyuna looked at the body that was laying day still as a rock the only sign of life was his chest slowly rising and falling "is this someone you know?" Hyuna pointed out still holding Mizi "yeah.. an old friend" she looked at Ivan with worry "I hope he's alright. These machines seems to be checking his health" Mizi said looking around. Hyuna let go of Mizi and went towards Ivan "he doesn't seem to be injured" she said until she pulled off the blanket covering his chest and lower part of his body "except for these injuries.." Hyuna said examining him, Mizi looked at Hyuna "why is he still alive.. I mean I'm glad he's alive but why?" "It seems that his owners bribed the aliens who run this fucking hell hole not to shoot him that much" "it seems that his owners really like him" "I suppose, but he is considered the 'perfect pet' isn't he?" "Yeah..." Mizi looked down missing her own Alien 'parents' "hey not to worry we'll get him out of here" Hyuna said standing and gripping Mizi's shoulder. Mizi looked at her and smiled with determination in her eyes "yes! And all the other survivors here!" She cheered "for now let's get out of here and take Ivan with us" Mizi said with confidence until "wait.. how do we carry him?" She stopped trying to think "I'll do it you still can't aim a gun properly so I'll carry him" Hyuna said grabbing Ivan "hey!! What does that have to do about my strength!!" Mizi pouted as she watched Hyuna give Ivan a piggyback ride "nothing hehe just wanted to say it" hehe as they were ready to set off they heard footsteps "oh shoot" Hyuna said setting Ivan down and grabbing her gun "uh oh.. it seems to be a lot of aliens" "don't worry we can fight them off" Hyuna said aiming her gun at the door "ok! It's also the time to prove that my aiming skills isn't that bad!!" Mizi said with confidence as she grabbed her gun "let the fun start!"

A few hours go by and all of the aliens have been defeated by Mizi and Hyuna, "it seems like you have improved" Hyuna said patting Mizi in the back "I told you I wasn't that bad!!" She smiled "well let's get this man back to the base" she said as she carried Ivan once again.

[Time skip]

Once Mizi and Hyuna went back to the base with no difficulty they went straight to the healing center where Till was being examined by a Doctor. Till was a bit frightened and was getting PTSD he was ok nonetheless. As they were going through Till's results they were interrupted by someone knocking "may I come in?" Hyuna's muffled voice came from outside the room "yes you may" the doctor said putting their notes into a folder. Hyuna came in carrying a limp Ivan Till physically ghasped and went up to Hyuna "oh my god, Ivan!" Till said crying while finally looking at Ivan "he seems to be ok, accept for his shoulders and chest areas... And he seems to be also unconscious" the doctor checked Ivan's shoulder and chest "hm I see let's get him settled" the doctor said guiding Hyuna to a nearby bed and laid Ivan there.

While that was happening Till was as the background staring at Ivan's 'lifeless' body. Once the doctor left, they all went silent. It was not a comfortable silence it was more like an intense silence if you know what I mean. It was Mizi who first broke the silence "so.. Till.. how are you feeling?" She asked looking at him concern. He always hated how people look at him so pitifully, he always felt weak whenever someone looked at him like that.. but it was Mizi so it was fine "yeah.. just overwhelmed I guess?" "That's good. Well do you want some alone time? Me and Hyuna could leave" she smiled.Oh how sweet her voice was, and that gentle smile that she always gives to everyone, she was always sweet and gentle even in these times. "If you want?" "Ok.. me and Hyuna will go out now, bye!" She waved as she closed the door.

Now it was just him and Ivan alone. Till stared at Ivan's face, he was unusually attracted to it.. come to think of it he never realized how handsom and pretty Ivan is. Maybe because he kept looking at Mizi and never him. That made his heart ache, as he thought of Ivan dying right in front of him gave him chills.

Till sat right next to Ivan not wanting to let him out of his sight. Untill his eyes started drooping he didn't realize that it was already midnight until someone came into the room "oh sorry! Was I interrupting something?" It was a nurse who came to check up on Ivan "I didn't realize that there was another person here.. heh.. are you visiting him?" The nurse asked as she looked at Ivan's bandages, examining on how the nurse is touching Ivan's body like that just infuriated him but he quickly calmed down as he reassured himself that she was just doing her job.

When the nurse left, there was nothing left but silence. It was just Ivan and Till sitting in unnerving silence. "You know.. you could just wake up now.. we're safe.." Till said as he buried his face into Ivan's bed. A few hours went by and Till was beginning to feel sleepy as he sat right next to Ivan "I guess a little nap won't hurt" He sighed as he repositioned into a more comfortable sleeping position and he quickly drifted to sleep.

Word count: 1162

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