Chapter 5

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This chapter was written twice because wattpad decided to delete it after I had finished it. I tried to remember what I had wrote before so hopefully it's still good. Let me know.

As always please vote and comment!

Carinas POV

"You really screwed me over you bitch" I' m at my desk going over files when Gabriella calls me.

"What did I do this time?" Yes blurts out. I don't need to keep anything from Gabri, she's been my best friend since day one of university.

"Your little stunt. She was a virgin, you asshole." I know that will get her to feel a little bad for what happened.

"Ah Shit, bella. I just know you wanted her since you kept staring at her the whole time you were here."

I stared at her? Sure, I notice her. Who wouldn't? She's drop dead gorgeous but to stare at her, that's something I always tried to avoid. I let out a breath of frustration and continue. "Not only that but somehow we got married while we were in our drug induced state. Now Zara is pissed. She's tried calling a number of times already but I'm ignoring her calls. My papa thinks I did this on purpose and now I have to somehow smooth it all over with Adam Blake."

Gabri of course just laughs at my predicament more and more as I ramble on. "That's not a big deal. Just get it annulled."

I roll my eyes "I'm not getting it annulled."

"WHAT? Are you crazy? Why wouldn't you get it annulled?"

I stand up and walk to my floor to ceiling window and long out over the city. "You know better than anyone that I have always said I am only going to get married once and that's only because of the shares. After a year I'll divorce her and send her on her way."

Gabriella goes quiet on the other end of the phone but after a short pause she finally speaks. "So, what you're really saying is I actually did you a favour. Your wife is smoking hot and you get out of marrying that whiny gold digger your father has shoved down your throat. This will probably piss Blake off that he'll want to cut ties with you. You my friend are welcome."

Before I can even say other word she hangs up. "Ma'am Ms Cavanagh is here to see you." My guards down on the ground floor warn me.

"I want four guards stationed outside my office after she enters. She may need an escort out." I respond. My guards are the best. They've had to escort Zara out a few times along with many others. Even they don't like Zara but they know their  place and would never speak out. They're all trained in weaponry, shooting and hand to hand combat. I send them to Japan for a year for even more extensive training. They are excellent at what they do and they have never lost. I mean they better be good considering how much I pay them.

My office door swings open and I don't even flinch. "Honey, have you fixed this yet? Who is this slut that would dare to do this to us? To me? If I find her, I will destroy her. Don't you worry, she'll never be able to show her face in society again."

I turn around, my gaze is enough to stop her squawking. "This matter is resolved." She smiles and struts towards me. I stop her in her tracks by saying. "The marriage is offical and will remain." All the colour drains her painted and her mouth drops open like a fish out of water. It's a hilarious sight but i keep a straight face. "I will speak to your father about our arrangement. You can leave now."

Now her face turns red. I can see her little brain smoking, trying to figure out how to handle this new information. I walk to my desk to keep from laughing at her. You would think after two years she would have grown on me but no that's not the case. "Honey. What about me? What am I supposed to do? What will I tell my friends? How can I show my face?" Her anger gets more and more obvious with each question she asks.

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