Chapter 6

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Mayas POV

I sit at my desk and read over my email. My contract is weighing on my mind. I can't believe everything has changed in one afternoon. I send... Carina.. a message.

From me: Miss Deluca does the offer to be your assistant still stand?

I hit send and wait for a response which doesn't take long.

To me: Only if you use my name.


From me: I am trying to be professional here, Miss Deluca.

She must be on her phone because I get an immediate reply.

To me: Mrs Deluca, you only need to be professional in front of other people and yes of course my over still stands. Now what's my name?

I give in. After all she is being generous.

From me: Okay I'll sign the contract right away. Thank you Carina.

To me: There that wasn't so hard was it.

I just ignore her and get on with my tasks for the day which now includes making my way down to HR to sign my contract.

My day is now finished, my contract is signed, now I am making my way to the hospital to visit my dad. On route to his room, Doctor Shepherd stops me in the hall. "Miss Bishop I'm glad you're here. Your father is being transferred to another facility, so I'll need you to sign the paperwork."

I look down at the papers in confusion. "What's going on? Why is he being transferred?" I question as this is the first i am hearing about it.

Doctor Shepherd eyebrows crease at my confusion, "We got a phone call earlier from a women that said she is your wife. I thought she was trying to cause problems, but she paid off all of the medical fees here and did the at the new facility. Your father will be closer to you and at a better place. I practice at the other hospital as well so I will continue providing his care over there." I just nod. I can't believe Miss De...Carina did this. I'll need to thank her somehow. I sign the places that I need to sign but before I leave Doctor Shepherd says one more thing to me. "Congratulations, Maya on your marriage." I send him a smile and leave to my dads room.

"Hi dad. How are you feeling today? Is your back still sore?"

My dad just smiles at me. His smile hasn't changed since I was a kid and when he smiles at me, his smile always reaches his eyes which are the same sea blue as mine. "It's better today thank you kiddo, Doctor Shepherd says i'm being transferred. What's going on?"

I hold my dads good hand and smile. "I got the job as Miss Delucas assistant, I signed the contract today."

My dad looks at me and raises his eyebrows. "I know you have more to tell me, I can see it in your face. You know I can read you like a book. Now come on tell me." he pats down on the bed beside him gesturing for me to sit and I do.

As I sit down I can feel him stare at me waiting, well, here goes nothing. "Remember how i went to Las Vegas?" He nods and motions for me to continue. "Well, while I was there, I ended up marrying my boss. We were both under the influence and I don't remember anything. We found out when Miss Deluca and her fiancé went to get a marriage license." I don't think my dad needs to know we were both drugged.

My dad gives me a look one that I can't read. "And you plan on staying married to her?" I nod not knowing what to say to him. I might as well explain to him the deal we made, I'm not too scared, I could tell my dad my deepest and darkest secret and he'd still treat and look at me the same. along with giving advice on. "Kiddo I know you are worried about me, but I am fine as long as I have you in my life. You are all that matters to me. I want you to be happy. If... If this woman makes you happy then I'm okay with this but..." but?? I think. "But if she disrespects you or makes you uncomfortable in any way you get out, you run. Do you understand me?"

I agree with a big smile on my face "Yes, of course. I promise. I have to get ready for dinner with her. I'll visit you when you get all settled in your new place. Okay?" With a kiss to my dads cheek I leave.

I think it's safe to say that went well...

Short and sweet chapter and early one just for @solveigfang. Hope you enjoyed it.

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