It's Just a Friend of a Friend

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Name: L/n Y/n
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Reputation: +77
  Liked: +80
  Respected: +50
  Feared: +100
Persona: Socially Anxious
Crush: None
Club: None
Strength: Unknown
Additional Information: No additional information is available at this time.

The redhead stopped typing on his keyboard, looking up at his monitors. "Hm...this should be interesting...and I don't really want to miss this."

He got up and took off his black hoodie, glancing at the uniform that was on the table next to him in case of emergencies.

"Time to properly transfer."


There's something that Taro forgot to take into consideration. Akademi High of full of...


Osamu brushed by a bunch of underclassmans, looking for his friend.


Both Ayato and Ran passed by each other, Ran looking for Osamu while Ayato was trying to get a look at Y/n.


Omi, a book clutched to his chest and head down, swiftly made his way to his club.

Phone Addicts!

Not paying attention to where she was going because she was looking at her phone, Midori bumped into a wall.


A group of tanned blond girls snickered as Haruka passed by.

Taro hasn't yet realized how hard it will be for Y/n make friends in a school like this.


When a person has extreme social anxiety, they struggle to communicate with others. Bear in mind, they only struggle to form connections.  It doesn't mean that they don't want to.

"Good morning, L/n-san!" Taro called with a friendly wave.

Y/n swallowed, looking up at the ceiling. "Good...............GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"

"Don't hurt yourself."

'L/n-san is beautiful: soft skin, h/c hair, shining eyes...she even smells good! Gah, Taro, don't smell her!'

"Come on. There's someone I'd like you to meet." He smiled and nodded his head in the direction of the plaza. Curiously, she followed.

The plaza was absolutely beautiful; cherry trees all around, bushes, white benches with yellow trim, and a huge fountain in the middle. By one of the trees were two students: a girl with soft pigtails and bright orange eyes, who animated everything she said, and a boy with fiery hair tied to one side of his head and his blazer wide open to reveal a salmon shirt with white polka dots.

"Osamu!" Taro called, waving over to him. He looked behind his friend, who turned in slight annoyance when she heard him call out to her best friend.

But Osamu smiled back, returning his wave. "Taro! Yo!" He left the girl to stand there, rolling her eyes as he left. But she looked again when she saw Y/n, who word had already traveled around about. She narrowed her eyes, watching anxiously.

"Um..." Osamu glanced at the girl next to his friend. " she here?"

Y/n jumped slightly, suddenly self-conscious. Taro forced himself not to glare at the ginger as he answered. "This is L/n-san. She -"

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