It's Just Measuring Day

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The beginning of May marks Akademi High's annual measuring day.


Mukuro jumped, his clipboard held tightly to his chest. "Yes, Kakashi-sensei?"

A stern looking woman stood in front of him. Her short, brown hair was meticulously placed behind her ears and a white nurse's cap. Her pen clicked her own clipboard as she narrowed her eyes at it, lips forming into a line. Mukuro thought she kind of looked like a pretty Annie Wilkes.

"Can you handle taking the boys this year?"

He gulped silently; he was only a nurse in training, but being able to study under Akademi's nurse was, to him, definitely a privilege. He thought again about the weird name of the school. Akademi. But the founders wanted it to have both academy and high in it: prestigious, yet contemporary.

"Mukuro?" Her voice was tinted with annoyance. Tap, tap, tap went the pen.

Kakashi Naoko does not believe in honorifics.

"Of course I can!" Purple eyes sparkled as he bounced up with determination, pointing a thumb at himself. "Leave it to me, sensei!"


Students filled into the gym for class attendance, everyone in their gym uniforms. Everything was actually quite normal...

...until Y/n stepped in.

When a person has extreme social anxiety, they struggle to communicate with others. Bear in mind, they only struggle to form connections.  It doesn't mean that they don't want to.

"L/N-SAN IN A GYM UNIFORM!" they all cried with pure joy, making her jump back in trepidation. Taro looked over and saw the students begin to crowd her, trying to push past them with multiple pardon me's. One girl, however, in an attempt to just smell Y/n, elbowed him in the jaw, not paying attention when he went sprawling to the floor.


"You're so pretty!"

"Wanna swap numbers?!"

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

But she looked around them at Taro, who was on his hands and knees, trying to get up in the middle of the roaring crowd.

The students parted as the Red Sea when she walked by, leaving an opening with her and Taro, one hand still on the floor, the other in front of his nose, which had begun to bleed. She reached out to help him up. Without thinking, he began to use the bloody hand, but pulled away quickly. "N - no, that's alright."

With a little more force than she meant to, she took the hand he had retracted and lifted him to his feet, then, with her other hand, tilted his head forward, lest he choke on his blood.

"I - it's not that bad!" he insisted, pulling away and extremely embarrassed. Not to mention everyone was watching. "R - really, I'm okay! Thank you!"

Realizing her situation, Y/n blushed, although only Taro noticed while everyone else was planning his murder for taking her attention away from them. She kicked her foot behind her, then nodded.

Before a successful murder could be carried out, two nurses walked in. A few of the girls squealed when they saw the male with a baby face and pink curls. He was not muscular, but still had a nice, flat body.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen," Naoko began. Everyone turned to face her, closing in the gap that surrounded Y/n and Taro.

"First, may I have the pleasure of introducing our new trainee: Kubo Mukuro."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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