It's Just a New Senior

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"Attention, class. We have a new boy joining us today," Rino Fukuhara, the teacher of class 2-1 announced. "Please come to the front and introduce yourself."

A redhead with matching glasses went up to the podium and stated, "Good morning, everyone. My name is Itō Mā. I'm great with computers and hope to start a newspaper club. I hope we can all get along."




Do I know you?

I saw you stalking an underclassman today.
She's pretty cute, huh?

I'm sorry. There must be some kind of mistake.

Don't play dumb with me, Aishi.

Again, do I know you?

Well, yes.
But that's not important.

I'll call the cops.

Go ahead.
They'll never track me.
Look, bud. I'm offering you my services.
Right now, Akademi High - stupid name - is the perfect shojō highschool life, right?
But you know those kinds of animes that start off all happy, but they're not.
I'm not talking "Your Lie in April".
I'm taking "Love Live!"

And? Why should I care?

Because not only would it be entertaining, you would have your precious kohai all to yourself.
L/n Y/n, right?
You know the whole school loves her.
But listen. She's in grave danger right now.

I'm listening...

Fujigana Ran?
She's kinda a bimbo, but she's unstable.
She has a crush on Najimi Osamu.
BIG crush on him.
And she's jealous that L/n-san has been spending so much time with him.

So...she wants to kill her?

I'm not sure.
I'm not even sure if SHE'S sure.

Again, I ask, who are you?

Have you ever heard of "Info-kun"?

The dude who blackmails students and sells panty shots?
You're telling me YOU'RE him?


First of all, if you ARE, you're a pervert.
Secondly, proof or it never happened.

You're a stubborn little Aishi, I see.
Your mother would have listened to me straight away.

My mother?

Point is, I am he and he is me.
And I'm here to help you.
You want proof?

Name: Aishi Ayato
Age: 17
Class: 2-1
Reputation: +3
  Liked: +10
  Respected: 0
  Feared: +20
Persona: fuckin' batshit crazy
Crush: L/n Y/n
Club: None
Strength: Weak Boi
Additional Information: Fuckin' crazy. Popular with the girls. Childhood friends with Masuyama Budo.

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