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Chapter six
the scorch trials

let's get into it

I suddenly start being shaken

"Astrid wake up" I hear them, barely, still keeping my eyes closed

"Why wont she wake up?"

"Guys i have something to say Ast-" I recognise the voice as Newts, this time i actually open my eyes

"Hey bitch" I mutter tiredly

"You were awake?" Minho asks

"Yeah and Newt come with me" I get up, grab his arm and walk far enough so the others can't hear us

"You were going to tell them?" I ask

"I'm sorry, i thought you wouldn't wake up" Newt replies

"Please don't tell them, we have enough to worry about, like where the fuck we are going to go"

"I know, i won't, i was just worried for you" He smiles slightly

"I'm flattered that you're worried about me" I put my hands on my heart as i let out a small giggle

"Shut up" He rolls his eyes, but then he lifts his arms and puts them around my neck, pulling me into his chest

"You're going to get through this" He mutters into my hair

"I hope so"

"Don't say that, you will" He pulls away from the hug

"Now let's get back to the others before Minho thinks i'm stealing his girl" Newt starts to walk back to the others

"Oka- WAIT I AM NOT MINHOS GIRL!" I jog up to him

"Not to him" He chuckles

"Minho!" I yell jogging again to the others

Minho turns around to me

"You're girl huh?" I quote Newt

"What are you talking about?" He says confused

"Apparently i'm your girl" I put your girl in air quotes

"Who said that?" He asks

I glance over to Newt, he rolls his eyes and leans back against a wall

"Snitch" He mutters under his breath

"Heard that" I point it

"You were meant to" He sarcastically smiles at me

"Guys stop joking about, we have to go" Thomas says

"Buzz kill" I mumble

"Buzz kill? Do you want to get killed? I'm pretty sure that would be a buzz kill" Teresa says

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