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Chapter eight
the scorch trials

let's get into it

"Is the blood rushing to my head?" Fry asks as he spins around

"Stop spinning!" I yell

"I can't really just stop" He says

"Stop it, Attie try get out of the ropes and free us" I smile at Newts nickname once again

"Okay Newtie" I giggle at the nickname

"Nah don't call me that, just try get us free alright?" He says remaining calm

"Mhm" I say and try to get my hands free, but my arms hurt really badly

Specifically one of them

the one with the infection

I haven't got any like zombie side effects

Or crank should i say

I feel normal

As normal as you can be when you're tied up, have a gunshot wound and could turn into a mother fucking crank any second

"I can't get these ropes off!" I shout frustrated moving around in my chair, that's when it falls over and tumbles

"Umm guys" I say when i notice i'm on the edge of whatever this black hole is

"ASTRID GET UP NOW!" Minho shouts

"I'm to scared to move" I admit looking down into nothingness

"Right wait" Minho says and i look up at him to see him swinging

"Minho what are you- AHH!" I scream when he swings over to me and grabs the chair, almost making me fall over the edge

"Someone make sure i don't move" He says

"I'm gonna turn you around okay? Then i'll untie, make sure you don't fall" He says and spins me around so now my back if facing him as i lie on the ground

He grabs the chair and pulls it towards him, making me almost fall of the edge

"Minho don't" I whisper

"Ahh you're gonna be fine buttercup" He says and starts untying the ropes

But then he swings back, pulling me with him, he grips onto the ropes making sure i don't fall

I'm right above the hole, so is everyone else, but one wrong move and im dead

"Fuck" Minho mutters

"No no no no" I repeat over and over

"It's okay" He says trying to calm me down

"NO ITS NOT!" I shout

"If you let go, i'm fucking dead" I stammer

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