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Chapter eleven
the scorch trials

let's get into it

"Do you really think Minho is dead?" My voice trembles as my leg shakes up and down

"I'm sure he's fine" Newt tries to comfort me

"But i saw the whole place blow up Newt, if he was anywhere near that, he'd be-" I get cut off by Newt

"Listen, before he went, he said he doesn't care if he dies, at least it'll be for a reason"

"What reason is there?!" I exclaim

"You, he wanted to save you"

"Well he shouldn't off, you could've stopped him Newt, and then we would be here, together"

"Can you two just stop talking?" Teresa says from behind us

"Oh sorry that i'm worried about Minho, fucking dickhead" I whisper the last two words

"So am i, but i'm not out here crying about it" She says

"Do you see tears?" I whip my head around and look at her

"Huh? No didn't fucking think so, but just know, if Minhos name comes out of your mouth or anything about him one more time, i swear i will fucking kill you" I threaten

"Yeah like you did to that doctor?" She grins

"Dr. Flores deserved it!" I yell pissed that she would even mention that

"Hey you're okay, just ignore her" Josie whispers in my ear

"You two, stop this now. i'm not listening to you two argue, we are almost there!" Jorge yells from the front

I just look out the window trying to contain my anger, because talking about Minho was one thing, but talking about Dr. Flores?

Oh hell fucking no

I notice cars all parked in front of us

"What the hell?" I question opening my door and jumping out of the moving car

"ATTIE WHAT THE HELL?!" Newt yells leaving the car once it's stopped

"What?" I ask

"You just jumped out of a moving car?" He reminds me

"It wasn't going that fast" I roll my eyes

"And besides, i'm fine" I smile doing a little spin but groaning once i feel the pain in my leg again

"Yeah sure you're fine" Newt comes over, holds my arm and swings it around his shoulder

"I can walk myself you know?"

"Everyone needs a little extra help" He giggles

"Even more than a little" Josie comes over and puts my other arm over her shoulder

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