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10 years ago

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10 years ago...

Raffaele  and Annalisa - 32 years 

Giovanni - 15 yeas 

Stephano - 12 years 

Leonardo - 6 years 

Alessandro and Anastasia - 3 years

The Angelo mansion stood tall and imposing in the heart of Chicago. Its grand façade, adorned with elaborate carvings and ornate iron gates, cast an eerie shadow upon the land. 

Every stone seemed to tell a haunting tale, and a palpable sense of dread hung in the air. Within the mansion, a scream reverberated through the marble halls, piercing the silence like a rusty blade.

 The sound was incessant, unrelenting, bouncing off the centuries-old walls with a haunting echo. It grated against the nerves of Raffaele Angelo, the patriarch of the wealthy family, filling him with a familiar, bone-chilling fear.

His trembling body propelled him forward, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he rushed through the mansion, the polished floors slipping beneath his hurried footsteps. Each room he passed seemed to mock him, the dark corners teasing secrets he was not yet privy to. But his destination had already clawed its way into his mind.

As Raffaele flung open the door to his daughter's room, the sight that awaited him was horrifying. The bed, once neatly made, lay empty with disheveled covers strewn about. The window stood ajar, its lace curtains fluttering in a cold breeze. And on the floor below, a pool of blood marred the plush carpet, stark against its pristine white fibers.

The air rushed out of Raffaele's lungs, leaving him gasping for breath as he stumbled backward. "Annalisa," he stammered, his voice cracking with panic. "Annalisa, she's gone!"

Annalisa, his wife, appeared in the doorway, all four of his sons just behind her, their eyes wide with terror. A they took in the scene with a horrified gasp. 

Annalisa's  hands instinctively clutching her chest as if to contain her own mounting desperation. Her mind struggled to comprehend the cruel reality before her.

Time seemed to halt as Annalisa's quick footsteps echoed in the room, her desperation guiding her movements. A piercing scream tore from her lips, echoing through the mansion, as despair and dread consumed her. "No, no!" she wailed. 

Her pleas ricocheted back at her, a cruel reminder that words alone could not reverse the horrors that had unfolded. "Why? How?" she managed to choke out, her voice strained with anguish. "Where is our child? Help me find her, Raffaele. Help me bring our baby back."

With those desperate questions hanging in the air, the stage was set for a thrilling novel that would plunge the Angelo family into a world of darkness, secrets, and a race against time to unravel the truth behind their missing child.


Hey guys I hope you liked the story so far!

Next Chapter will be posted in an hour!

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