Chapter 2

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Hey guys! 

Im back!!! Sorry for not posting in a long time.... I hope you like it!

 I hope you like it!

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"Only 2 more hours and I can finally leave, I don't understand why make us sit here and watch a bunch of kids jump around.... its not like they will be able to take us to state level." William my friend said.

I couldn't agree more. Watching an entire day of kids jumping and tumbling isn't my idea of fun. The hours were dragging and all I could think about was getting back to the comfort of my own couch.

As we sat there, I noticed William looking at a girl who was about to perform. He told me that she looked like a combination of my mom and Giovanni, which was beyond weird. I took a closer look and I had to admit, she looked strikingly similar to both of them. It was a strange coincidence that I was finding hard to wrap my head around.

After her performance, the girl started talking to a blonde-brown haired boy named Logan, or maybe Ben. I found myself feeling weirdly protective of her; like I wanted to punch that boy and send him away so she could be alone. It was an odd feeling, I hardly knew the girl, but there was just something about her that caught my attention.

As I daydreamed about the girl, the hours finally came to an end and I was finally free to leave. Although it had been a long and boring day, the image of the girl stayed with me and I couldn't help but wonder what the future held for her.

 Although it had been a long and boring day, the image of the girl stayed with me and I couldn't help but wonder what the future held for her

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Anastasia found herself tossing and turning in her bed, trying desperately to fall asleep. She stared at the ceiling, counting imaginary sheep, but nothing seemed to work. It was already one in the morning, and she was wide awake. She could hear the distant hooting of owls and the melodious chirping of crickets, but she couldn't sleep. Frustrated, she got out of bed and decided to explore the academy.

As she walked down the hallway, the cool breeze from the open windows brushed against her skin, making her feel shiver. Anastasia listened to the sounds of the night, and it felt like she was discovering a whole new world. Suddenly, she stopped in front of a large, fancy door. She couldn't help but wonder what was behind it.

Carefully, Anastasia pushed open the door, and to her surprise, she found herself in a grand library. The room was filled with books, and the smell of old paper filled her nostrils. Anastasia's eyes lit up with excitement as she walked through the rows of dust-covered books. This was her favorite part of the academy so far.

Anastasia couldn't contain her excitement as she picked up the first book on the shelf. The title read, "Everything to Know About St. Ambrose Academy." She smiled to herself as she sat down at one of the old desks, opening the book and started to read. The more she read, the more she realized how little she knew about her new school. The history of the academy was fascinating and she found herself engrossed in the pages of the book.

As she read, she began to hear faint whispering from the shadows. At first, she thought it was her imagination, but the sound quickly grew louder. Anastasia tried to ignore it and continued reading, but the whispering grew more persistent, sounding almost like a chant.

Suddenly, a book on the shelf next to her began to move, and Anastasia jumped up in fright. The room grew dark, and she could feel a chill run down her spine. She couldn't see anything in the darkness, but she could hear whispers and footsteps coming towards her.

Petrified, Anastasia picked up her book and ran out of the library, her heart pounding. She didn't stop until she was back in her dorm room. As she lay in bed, trying to catch her breath, she couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. From that moment on, she knew that there was more to St. Ambrose Academy than what meets the eyes. 


That's all for today! 

I know its really short but I hoped you guys liked it!

Don't forget to vote and comment! It really means a lot to me. 


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