Chapter 4

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My mind raced as I tried to piece together the puzzle that my brother had unwittingly laid at my feet. 

Aunt Linda, the mysterious figure who had disappeared the same night are our baby sister all those years ago, seemed to be making a reappearance in some form. And this "girl" that Andro mentioned - could it be our long-lost sister?

Shock coursed through me as the possibility of finding my sister after all these years hit me. But alongside that shock was confusion. How could Aunt Linda just reappear out of nowhere? And why now, after all these years?

I could see the confusion running through Andro's mind through the phone. 

As we sat in silence, the weight of the moment hanging heavy between us, I made a decision. I needed to find out the truth, to confirm whether this "girl" was indeed our sister and if Aunt Linda was involved in her return. Andro looked at me with pleading eyes, silently begging for answers.

After hanging up the phone with Andro, I immediately went to Giovanni's rooms and knocked  on the door. 

After two minutes of continuously knocking, the door opened. With Giovanni staring at me with an annoyed expression. 

Pushing myself inside I sat down on his bed silently not really sure how to begin. But with one look from my big brother my untamed mouth rambled out everything Andro just told me. 

As I finished I watched him inhale sharply. Whilst closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead as if he was tired. 

It wasn't until another four minutes and 46 seconds. Yes I counted each and every second. He finally spoke. 

"Did you tell Alessandro that you think its her?"

This time it was me who sighed "No..." 

"Good, we don't want to give him any kind of hope." 

Sighing I nodded feeling bad that I lied. "Now what?" 

This time he smiled "We are going to find out the truth."


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After ending the call my mind felt at peace, my big brothers could solve this problem and we would finally get the answer that we have all been wanting!

Smiling I got up from bed and decided that I would go and see what the chess club was doing today. I had stopped going to chess club for a few months now due to pure laziness. 

But, today I felt that I should go and join. Walking through halls I could hear other kids laughing and talking. When someone tapped on my shoulder. 

Turning to look who it was, I saw that it was professor Hawthorne my history professor. He was overall a pretty good teacher and in fact one of my favorites but, he gives A LOT of homework. 

"Yes, Professor?" I said knowing there was no other way to reply. 

Smiling with is overly white teeth he asked, "Mr. Angelo, How are you?" 

"Very good sir.." I replied confused, knowing that most teachers didn't actually care about their students well being and just asked because of manners. 

"Are you now, that's good to hear."

"Yes, Sir, very good."

"Oh, and before I forget, Mr. Angelo, why don't you come with me to my office I have something to talk to you about."

" Oh.. How about we talk tomorrow after class?" It wasn't that I did not want to go and talk to him it was just that I really wanted to go to chess club and it had already started.

"It is really important Mr. Angelo can you just go next week?"

Trying to be polite I replied "I understand that it is important, but I am sure it can wait for a few hours." and started to walk away.

Grabbing my arm he said "NO! You will come with me now!"

"But sir, I have plans" I said trying to get out of his grip.

He let go noticing that this small conversation was getting some attention from other students. 

I walked away trying to shake off the odd feeling that professor Hawthorne's behavior had given me. 

As I walked down the hallway and gently pushed open the door of the chess club, a sense of ease enveloped me. 

The familiar sound of clinking chess pieces and the faint scent of wooden boards put my mind at peace. It felt like home. 

I walked towards the back of the club where my friends had already set up the board for my return, but as I looked up, the chess pieces seemed to blur in front of my eyes.

 My vision tunneled, and the only thing I could see was professor Hawthorne. He was still standing at the door of the club, his sharp eyes following me. 


That's is it for today!

I hoped you liked the chapter!

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Don't forget to vote and comment! It really means a lot to me

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