Chapter 3

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Hey guys!

I decided that since the last chapter was really short. I would make another chapter early!

Hope you all like it!

Hope you all like it!

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It's been a few weeks since I saw that girl at the tryouts and I have decided that I am going to look in deeper.

I am right now I was standing next to the door making sure to not hear any footsteps or sounds of someone coming to this room. waiting for my friend William to finish getting into the principal's computer.

Let me go back to specifically one week ago. My friends and I were at lunch sitting at our usual table spot in the cafeteria when we decided that this "girl" was really confusing and we had to learn more about her. Because of that we had created a plan to find out more about her.

The plan was that in the main office. There was computer sitting on principal's that had a list of all the people going to the school and everything about them.

We meaning, my two friends Henry Smith and George Anderson would distract both the principal and the vice-principal who would be walking toward the principals office for their morning meeting.

Both me and William would sneak into his office, get into his computer and try to find out more about the "girl".

Now William is hacking into the computer while I stand here my heart racing through my soul as I thought about the consequences if we were caught.

Finally after a hundred years of waiting in pure silence, William found the list of students and began searching for the girl's name. It wasn't long before he found her profile that a picture of her and my heart dropped when I saw the words:

Anastasia Angelo

Mother: Linda Angelo

Father: Unknown

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The girl I had been so confused about was related to me? I didn't even know I had an aunt named Linda.

I quickly took a screenshot of the information as proof and we slipped out of the office, trying our best to act casual.

As soon as we were outside, I showed my friends what we had found. They were just as shocked as I was.

I didn't know how to feel about this discovery. It was so strange to find out that a girl I had been so confused about was actually related to me. But I knew one thing for sure, I had to find out more about my mysterious aunt Linda and how she was related to me.

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It had been several weeks since I had taken a leisurely walk in the middle of the night. But now, after classes, I found myself returning every day to a special spot. A place where I could relax and unwind. A place where I could think and be alone.

Recently, I had brought my friend Elizabeth to this place and it had quickly become our spot to hang out.

Last night, while browsing the shelves, Elizabeth had stumbled upon a book titled "Generations of Devotion" and we had decided to sit down and have a look.

We were both taken aback when we saw that the full title of the book was "Generation of Devotion: Families of St. Ambrose".

Turning to the table of contents, we noticed Chapter 45 was called "The Angelo's". Curious, we quickly flipped to that chapter, wondering what it could be about.

As we read through the chapter, Elizabeth suddenly shook my shoulder and pointed to the page.

"Your mother is Linda Angelo, right?" she asked.

I nodded, confused.

"Then how come she is in this book? Did she go here?" she asked, pointing to my mother's name on the list of Angelo's who had attended the school.

"No," I replied, "She never told me that she went here. Come to think of it, she never really talked about her childhood at all. Whenever I asked if we had any family, she always refused."

"That's weird," Elizabeth said, inhaling sharply. "But we can find out more about your family through this book!" I smiled at her suggestion and we eagerly continued reading about my mother and what she did at St. Ambrose.

As we turned the pages, we learned more about my mother's brother and his family. I discovered that I had numerous cousins, but the strangest part was that my youngest cousin had the same name as me - Anastasia Angelo. What was even more peculiar was the fact that she had disappeared around ten years ago.

Feeling confused, we stared at each other for a moment, knowing that we needed to research more about this. We couldn't shake the feeling that our relaxing hangout spot had suddenly turned into a place of mystery and intrigue.


That's all for today!

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I hoped you guys liked the chapter!

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