1) I'm ready.

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Little background - this is a month into their relationship, they are taking things slow. But now, Lucy thinks she might be ready for the next stage.

Knock knock, the door vibrates with the pressure. Lucy knows who it is, she's been waiting. So when she swiftly rushes to the door she can't help but grin at Tim standing there, a bottle of wine in hand. She rolls her eyes at the playful nudge he gives her. "You look pretty." His voice rolls past her. "Good, this dress is worth half a pay check." She giggles. "I was talking about your face, but the dress is pretty too." he pauses, "give us a twirl." Her body spun quickly around slightly sliding to her lack of shoes. He holds her back, steading her body till she is face to face with him. "We don't have to go out tonight" she says pressing her lips to his. His face stumbles settling down to a welcoming look. "Are you sure?" Lucy's brown eyes study him before stuttering. "Oh, you wanted, I uh I didn't mean that." Both of their faces flush red and Tim instantly blurts out an apology. "No, it's okay. We can go your speed." He says. "What did you mean?" The awkward stutter instantly faded by his calm reply. Lucy's hand reached for his. Her palm slotted perfectly against the rough scarred skin of his hand. Her freshly painted nails danced across his skin before settling into the comfort of his finger being intertwined with hers. She leaded him across the kitchen. "Well first, I was thinking a home cooked meal, by mwah." An eager nod encouraged her to continue. "Mm, then I was thinking we could watch a cheesy romance, and make out a little." She giggled at the words 'make out' almost like a high schooler. He didn't mind, in fact he liked her giggle, it made him feel warm. So as the sun began to set, they danced around the kitchen. Dinner being cooked by the both of them making it even more special.

The sweet smell of carrots and tomatoes filled the room, along with onions and delicious herbs. Lucy's feet, now in heels tapped against the wooden floor. Her dress swished against the counter as she reached for the freshly chopped veg. Tim stood close by, admiring her. Even with tomato seeds sprayed across her face she looked perfect. She wasn't oblivious to his stare in fact she was the opposite, one of the smartest cops definitely wasn't fooled by the quick look away of her boyfriend. Boyfriend, the word felt right in her mind, she hoped it felt the same in his too. Her large smile faded slightly as she turned around, seeing his almost guilty look for checking her out. She didn't mind, how could she? "It's okay." She said kissing him on the cheek, no longer needing to step onto her tiptoes to reach him with the couple extra inches on her shoes. "I just don't want to make you uncomfortable, that's all." His voice weary. "You could never." And that was the truth. Tim has been the most continuous thing in her life since she joined the LAPD, and now he was closer to her she couldn't be happier. Well, unless maybe she was ready? She knew he was, and a part of her worried about him being upset because she wasn't. He wasn't like that, she reminded herself. But the worry must've been on her face because he had walked from the counter to her side and wrapped his arm around her waist. "What's wrong?" His fingers fiddled with the bow tightened against the velvet of her dress. "I'm ready." Her face now had a slight smile plastered over her fears. He waited, not exactly sure he believed her. "I know myself." She stated almost as if she had read his mind. Lucy was confident, she was smart and he had no reason to doubt her. Especially because he looks up to her in some ways, though he would never admit such a thing. So he nodded, then smiled and as she pulled him away he even let out a little chuckle.

[This is part 1 out of 3! Also thank you for the votes on my first ever piece 💕 feel free to comment requests if there is something specific you want to read. I've already pre-written the other parts I just need to edit them.]

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