Adventures in Supersitting

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Phoebe comes into the kitchen with food.

Phoebe: I hope you're all hungry!

Everybody agrees.

Barb: It is so nice to sit down to dinner like a normal family.

Phoebe: Yeah. Hit it sis!

Nora uses her to cook the food.

Phoebe: I'll get forks.

Phoebe activates her telekinesis to get the forks.

Y/N: You forgot mines.

Y/N webs a fork and grabs it, smiling.

Billy: I'll get the lemonade.

Billy to the fridge and back with lemonade.

Max: And I'll eat dessert.

Max activates his telekinesis to get the cake.

Phoebe: Max, that's for later.

Max and Phoebe use their telekinesis to fight over the cake.

Max: Says who?

Phoebe: Me. Now let it go!

Max: Suit yourself.

Y/N's Spider-Senses goes off as he ducks and the cake hits the wall, Max laughs.

Billy: Wall cake!

Hank: That's it.

Hank holds Billy from using his super speeding to the cake.

Hank: For once, could we enjoy a nice, relaxing dinner without you kids using your superpowers?

Everybody agrees with Hank.

Hank: Great. Now, where is my Peruvian hot sauce?

Phoebe: You're going to fly to Peru to get hot sauce, aren't you?

Hank: Thunder Man, away!

Hank flies through the roof.

Max: That is never not funny.

Y/N: Did he not just say to not to use powers? 

Soon after, Phoebe is on the phone with Cherry.

Phoebe: Okay. See you then, Cherry! I know, I can't wait either! Bye.

Phoebe ends her call with Cherry.

Phoebe: Ooh, I'm having a girl's night with Cherry!

Billy: I don't get it. You, Y/N, and Max have more superpowers than the rest of us, and you're excited about seeing a friend?

Nora: You don't get it because your only friends are the bacteria in your armpits.

Billy: Yeah, and they want to be friends with you too.

Nora: Eww!

Phoebe: Come on guys, be nice. You should love your siblings.

Phoebe bumps into Max.

Phoebe: Except him, he's evil.

Max: Come on sis, you're my twin. Where's the love?

Phoebe: The love died when you beheaded my dolls when we were five.

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