This Looks Like a Job For...

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Phoebe and Max are competing in the living room to see who loves Hank the most as Y/N watches.

Phoebe: Here is your blanket, father.

Max: And a pillow for your head, papa.

Hank: Ooh, thank you. Oh, the remote.

Hank tries to reach for the remote.

Hank: Ugh, I can't reach it. If only there was someone who cared for me.

Max and Phoebe go for the remote as Max grabs it first.

Max: Here you go. And remember, I love you way more than Phoebe does.

Phoebe: That's not what it says on this mug I made you.

Phoebe gives Hank the mug.

Hank: Oh! Phoebe loves me most. Mugs don't lie, Max.

Barb then enters the room.

Hank: See, Barb, I told you having kids would eventually come in handy.

Barb: Totally worth the wait. Hank, you know they're just buttering you up for money.

Max: No way!

Phoebe: What's money?

Hank: I know what they're doing, Barb. Listen, kids, if you want something, you know you can always come to me.

Phoebe and Max: I need money for a new phone!

Hank: Absolutely not. Never come to me again.

Barb: You both have perfectly good phones.

Max: These are not phones. All we can do is talk on them.

Phoebe: The MePhone has apps that'll help me finish my homework quicker, a holographic keyboard.

Max: A laser pointer for messing with cats.

Hank: Cats are funny.

Max: And all it costs is $199.

Hank and Barb laugh.

Barb: There's no way both of you are getting $199.

Phoebe: It's cheaper than those shoes you have on.

Barb: Ah, you save the world, you can spend as much as you want on shoes.

Hank: Look, you guys are old enough to pay for your own phones.

Phoebe: That's so much money! I mean, it's not that much money.

Hank: Maybe it's time for you guys do what typical, non-supe teenagers do.

Max: Take money out of your wallet when you're not looking?

Hank: No, get jobs.

Hank then checks his pockets.

Hank: And give me my wallet back.

Max: Come on, dad. I just clipped your toenails.

Phoebe: And I froze off your plantar's wart.

Hank: Sorry, kids. You got played. Oh, you have got to see my feet, Barb. These kids are gifted.

Y/N gets up and takes off the banket that is on Max and Phoebe.

Y/N: Welp, time to get a job you two.

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