Chapter 9

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Cases of monarchies being restored after revolutions were not uncommon.

In some cases, the former prevailed between royalists and republicans; in others, the military removed the opposition and enthroned the king.

Or there were cases in which the people, repelled by the incompetence of the revolutionary forces and the politics of authority, once again came to desire a monarchy.

At present, however, the forces of monarchical restoration were largely trampled on within Padania. It was thanks to the abilities of the Commander-in-Chief of Padania - Heiner Valdemar. Sometimes one outstanding person could lead an era.

Heiner solved the problems of post-revolutionary turmoil and conflict, the infighting among the revolutionary forces, and the solidification of the dictatorship in a fairly idealistic way.

Currently, Heiner was the idol of Padania. In this situation, the royalist faction was unable to exert its power due to national sentiment and could only move abroad.

'If they are in a state of exile in France, they are more likely to receive help from outside forces to restore the monarchy.'

Annette did not know much about international affairs, so she could not make any further analogies. But this much was clear.

'My father is a nephew of King Piete. I have royal blood in my veins. ......'

If necessary, it would be used as a means of restoring the monarchy.

Her mind sank coldly. There must already be several royals in exile, so why would they reach out to her? She didn't know the details.

Whatever it was, she could not accept Ansgar's words with perfect good intentions. In the past, she would have rejoiced at a rescuing hand offered by an old friend, but not now.

Annette walked away from the door. The business card crumpled slightly in her hand. Her blue eyes took on a slightly cold light.

"Take my hand, Annette."

"Come on."


Annette checked the sponsorship list and the monetary comparison chart. Her slender fingers slowly ran down the numbers.

Managing donations and sponsorships in the name of civic organizations was one of the tasks she had taken on after she married.

Since the Revolution, Annette's name had been officially excluded from this task. However, she still made the final inspection.

No one else was willing to take on this daunting task. Annette could truly boast that she had handled this job cleanly and transparently. No one had ever admitted it, but it was so.

[We must do our duty. All of you listening to this radio right now are enlightened and are not prevented from acquiring information. Your government does not censor information to you...........]


After examining the documents, Annette turned off the radio. Her head throbbed again. She opened the window to ventilate the room, but the headache did not go away.

She put on a shawl and went out into the garden. Lately she had been following her doctor's recommendation to walk at least an hour a day. Not for health reasons, but because she did not want to be called lazy.

After wandering around the garden, Annette soon became exhausted. Her health really wasn't what it used to be these days. She didn't remember when........ she stopped after trying to remember.

She sat down on a bench in front of the fountain. The afternoon sun was making her body feel sluggish. The stream of water pouring from the fountain glistened in the light. She smiled calmly in its peace.

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