Can't Run by Phases_md

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Title: Can't Run

Author: Phases_md

Genre: Horror

Story Status: Ongoing

Story Synopsis: Twenty-Seven-year-old Harlan Finn had a pretty traumatic childhood that molded who he is today, a psychopathic killer.

How did it start? How can someone even choose this kind of "life" to live?

On the night of a family event, a cousin he's never met before, came in covered in blood, mumbling, saying things he couldn't understand as a young child, until that very same cousin screamed out, "You're all going to pay for what you've done to me! I'll make you all pay!" Then continued to grab a knife off the dessert table and slit everyone's throats, painting the whole house red with his own family's blood.

That right there, in Harlan's brain, struck an inspiration that no child should have wanted.

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