Chapter 5-Fogo

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Quick note: So the title is Portuguese for "fire", so you don't have to go check. You'll understand later. I cannot believe I'm throwing one of my own into the villain role :')

As Valentino came to, his eyes fluttering drunkenly open, footsteps sounded pounded nearby. He swung his head up to examine his surroundings and squinted as he tried to recall what had happened. 

"Ah, you're awake, meu querido~," A calm voice said from the shadows.

Val whipped his head up when he heard the low voice echo around the chamber. His hands were bound behind him and the rope cut into his wrists. He shivered at the familiar voice, a slight tremor passing through him as memories bombarded his brain.

Finally, a tall figure stepped from the shadows and into Valentino's view. The demon in front of him stood roughly the same height as the moth, with a broad chest and a cunning smile. He seemed to be a sort of wolf and human mix, so somewhere along the lines a werewolf, and his fur and skin were tinted a blue hue.

"What do you want from me?" Val snarled, hoping to not show fear to this ghost from his past.

"Aw~ You know what I want Rosey~" The sinner cooed as he gripped Valentino's chin.

"Don't...don't call me that! My name is Valentino!" Val cried, his resolve melting.

The sinner nodded at his guards, who left the room immediately. The elegant, wolf-like demon circled Valentino with a small growl that built in his throat. He approached the moth slowly, with practice steps, his mouth spreading into a cruel grin. 

"No, I remember your name. The name I gave you. You're mine, and you'll do as I say. You may have managed to evade me for all these years, but now..." The demon paused and adjusted his wrist length gloves., "Now...there's no escape, Rosey..."

"Sean, please. I left for a reason! Please, let me go..." Val begged, tears welling in his eyes.

"Ah ah ah. I go by Skeelix now, meu lindo~" Skeelix smiled a cold terrible smirk that sent shivers up Val's spine, "Do you want me to remind you what happens when you don't listen to me? And if you keep quiet, I'll reward you~"

"No, no, please Sea-Skeelix...I'll be good just please..." Valentino pleaded, panic beginning to spike in his chest as his mind filled with memories of Sean's treatment flooded him.

Skeelix chuckled and shoved the chair against the wall harshly, the jagged stone wall crushing Valentino's arms between it and his chair. The wolf demon grabbed Valentino by the neck, compressing his vocal chords, and leaned in, his hot breath burning the moth's skin.

Valentino gasped for air as he struggled against Skeelix's grip. Tears slipped down his cheeksas the familiar feeling of helpessness sank in. Suddenly his worst fear was realised. A hand gripped his thigh roughly, groping its way up. Val's eyes widen, tears blurring his vision as Skeelix's continued to run his cold hands along Valentino's body, teasing and stroking.

The other demon kissed Val aggressively and forced his tongue into the moth's mouth as Val struggled below him. 



Vox sighed deeply as he hauled himself from his bed. He hadn't slept a minute all night and he gave up trying. Valentino hadn't come back and Velvette said she hadn't seen him at all. He'd sent out sinners he employed to look for his ex-fiance, but his mind whirled with worry. 

"God Vox. What have you done...I fucked up so badly." He groaned and hit his head gently with his fist.

He pulled on a new suit and trudged into the kitchen where Velvette sat at her computer, tapping and clicking aggressively on her computer and phone.

"What are you doing?" Vox asked and leaned over her shoulder.

"One of my scouts came back this morning and reported seeing someone take Valentino down. Like, drug his drunk ass and throw him over their shoulders. Big guys too, knowing what his reputation is, we'll be lucky if we get him back before he's raped." She replied quietly, her brow furrowed as she scanned through pictures of large and burly sinners.

"HE WHAT?!" Vox yelled, his eye wide.

"Oh shit. Uhm..."

"No. No no. Nononono. He was kidnapped? No...god, this is all my fault..." He whispered, his heart pounding as he dropped into a crouch and gripped his head. 

Tears welled in Vox's eyes as Velvette hopped off her chair and stooped to his level. She made him look at her and calmed him down slowly.

"Vox. It's alright. We'll find him. He's tough, and he can stick up for himself. Panicking will get us nowhere. Now I need you to sit down, take a deep breath, and check ALL of the cameras." She said calmly, but firmly, "Find him."

Vox nodded, determination firing up in his eyes and he sprinted to his office. For an hour he scanned the cameras until something caught his eye. He rolled footage in a rundown street in the Doomsday district and felt his heart burn as he watched his ex fiance get drugged and abducted.

Calling Velvette, Vox began to make his way down to the lobby and was almost out the door when she came sprinting after him.

"Vox! You don't know how many of them there are! Please, just wait. We'll get some mercanaries to come with us. We can't help Val if we're dead too!" She pleaded with him, grasping his arm.

Vox looked at her wide eyes and sighed. She was right. 

"Fine. I will wait twelve hours. I'm not leaving him there any longer than I have to. I...I've already hurt him enough..." Vox said with a downcast look.

Velvette nodded and lead him back to his room.

"I know you didn't sleep. I'm not stupid. I need you to try. If you're tired, we won't get Val back and you could get hurt. I'll wake you up as soon as the mercanaries get here." Velvette said quietly.

Vox nodded dejectadely and collapsed onto his bed. He turned onto his side and slid a hand over Valentino's empty side. The sheets were cool and a tear slid down Vox's face. Val's loving face flashed in his mind as he closed his eyes and he let his tortured mind sink destitutely into a calm darkness.

{Phew, I cannot believe that took me two days to write T^T. I was having the WORST lack of focus! I'm doing my best though! Kisses darlings~}

Word Count: 1066

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