Chapter 7-Night Terrors

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Dedicated to: @xsunsetthewadx (Not bc you asked but because ✨Floof ✨)

Val woke up in the middle of the night, tears running down his face and sweat dripping from his brow. His breath came in short, gasping breaths as he desperately tried to push the panic down. He rubbed his hands up and down his arms to brush away the goosebumps that freckled his skin, and his mind honed in on his body.

He felt cleaner, physically, but underneath the low scent of soap, it was him. His rough hands caressing Val's skin, violating him as he pleaded for mercy. Sobs shook the moth's body as he sat against the headboard and hoped the feeling would go away. He felt lost, alone, and oh so dirty. 

As Val sat there, the covers slipping down his mostly naked form, strong arms wrapped around him. He flinched at his fiance's touch and a small whimper bubbling up and out of his lips. Vox paused, his eyes soft and he leaned up and kissed Valentino's cheek softly. 

" alright...?" Vox's quiet voice asked through the darkness. 

The little lights on the walls twinkled, their distorted forms like stars sparkling lowly in the dim room. Val opened his mouth to speak, finding no words could come out. He looked at Vox, a deep and sorrowful stare as he leaned slowly and dejectedly in his fiance's arms.

"No..." He whispered. 

That was one of the hardest things for Valentino to admit. For anyone to admit. For fifty-five years he'd pretended that it was okay. That Sean never hurt him and he was alright. 

Yet every day he had to spend so much energy on not killing himself, not letting it all end. Even in Hell, those dark thoughts poured in and out and clouded his mind with smoke, so thick he could choke on it. When he found out angelic weapons were an option, Val had tried that. The blade slicing gently through his skin had brought back that feeling of control and bliss and he'd been so close to ending it on his own terms.

And then...


"Yeah? What's up Flutterby?" Vox's voice was gentle as he rubbed small circles on the moth's back, careful not to make him uncomfortable.

"...Nothing...I just love you. Thank you for...for coming to get me..." Valentino breathed.

Vox stopped and pulled back slightly. He stared for a moment, his expression unreadable as he stared Val down.

"Are...are you crazy?! What was I supposed to do? Leave you there? I think not." He said finally with an indignant mien.

"Well...I-" The moth started but was interrupted by Vox pressing their lips together softly.

"I feel like I have to say this a lot. But here we go anyway. I love you, I always will and nothing can change that. I'm sorry I blew up at you like that, it was unfair to you and a complete blunder on my part. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that and if I hadn't that asshole wouldn't have been able to get his hands on you. It's my fault and I'm sorry. I love you so so so much. So much more than you could ever imagine and from this point on I'm going to make it up to you." Vox was panting slightly as he finally finished.

Val sat looking at his fiance, his deep pink eyes open wide  and his lips slightly parted. The fluff on his neck ruffled slightly in the small breeze that blew from the air conditioning near them. Goose bumps pebbled his arms and trailed up his heather purple skin as he processed the TV demon's words. 

"I...I never have the words to tell you I love you the way you tell me and I'm sorry...I always feel like you're comforting me and putting up with my shit and I never put back. But...I do love you, with my whole heart, or whatever the fuck I have. I love being with you and you're the only reason I've kept going this long, if it weren't for you I'd probably be double dead right now." Val stopped for a breath before continuing, "So, thank you, Voxxie, for being here with me, for being here for me, I love you."

Vox watched Valentino, his eyes soft as he observed his fiance with love filling his expression. He smiled softly as the moth fidgeted quietly, a small blush on his cheeks. Vox reached a hand forward and rifled it through the soft fluff on Val's collarbone. The fluff was impossibly soft, making the TV demon lean forward and bury his face in it. He kissed his fiance's neck softly, trailing kisses up his neck to the moth's jawbone.

"I never doubted how much you loved me Val, even in that stupid, stupid, blunder of mine the other day. You've always had issues, so do I, and that's okay because it doesn't mean you're any less of a good fiance. You're beautiful and sweet, and stylish and super talented and I'm so lucky to have you." Vox whispers into the base of Val's jaw, where his neck meets his jawbone.

"Thank you, Voxxie.  I love you and thank you for not...I don't know...just not pushing anything and understanding." Valentino smiled softly and nuzzled his cheek against Vox's.

"Of course. I'd never want to put you in an uncomfortable position, Flutterby. I know this must be so hard for you...I'm sorry I let you go through that again. I love you~" 

Vox pulled Valentino back down to the bed and wrapped his arms around the moth's back, Val's face in his chest. Val sighed quietly, his breathing calm once more, the last of his tears trailing slowly down his cheeks. The TV demon ran a gentle finger over his fiance's cheeks to wiped the salty water away and leaned down to kiss the moth's forehead gently.

"You're so beautiful, you know that...? So beautiful~" Vox whispered softly, his eyes filled with affection.

Val blushed and averted his eyes. Sometimes he found it silly that he still had a crush on Vox, even though they were engaged. Small, happy chirps slipped from his lips and his antennae quivered delicately, showcasing his delight.

Vox laughed affectionately and kissed the tips of the soft antennae before shifting to pull the covers up around them. He tightened his grip around his fiance and let his eyes drift slowly shut, just listening to the soft sounds of Val breathing and letting them lull him to sleep.

Val remained awake as his fiance drifted off to sleep, listening to him breath and watching the slow rise and fall of his chest. He smiled and buried his face in the crook of Vox's neck before finally falling asleep himself.

Somewhere In The Greed Ring

Stone rumbled quietly as rocks tumbled away from the pile of fractured structure. A large mass arose from the rubble and dust showered down its back, pebbles and stones toppling from it's shoulders. 

The large canine figure turned slowly and faced the V tower. A low snarl ripped through the quiet air, his sharp yellow teeth shining in heaven's light. 

"Don't worry querido. I'm not done with you yet~"

Word Count: 1187

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