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Jimin watched her walk out of the shop, clutching her drink in hand

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Jimin watched her walk out of the shop, clutching her drink in hand. He didn't miss the bright red dusting her cheeks
Bright red...

His throat burned and he covered his mouth, looking away sharply and retreating to the break room. Yoongi was already there, mindlessly scrolling on his phone and glanced up when Jimin came in.

"What did you do?" The eldest sighed, taking in Jimin's apparent distressed state. His hair was all over the place, suggesting the younger man had combed through it multiple times, a habit of his. His full lips were pulled into a frown, and his eyes, the most concerning of all, were a deep black.

Jimin looked to the side, clearly reluctant to tell Yoongi but finally slumped his shoulders in defeat. "Y/N came in just now."

The older vampire doesn't move, staring at Jimin with a blank expression. "And? You didn't hurt her, did you?"

Jimin scoffed. "Of course not. But I could have. She just smells so..."
He couldn't finish the sentence and grabbed at his throat, wincing at the burning sensation. Just the mere thought of her smell..her blood...it was intoxicating. From the first day he saw her, he wanted to bite her in front of everyone in that classroom. Drain her dry. In that moment, he didn't care how much time him and Yoongi spent on perfecting their "humanness." He wanted her so bad that he was so close to throwing all their hard work away.

Luckily, he managed, only barely. First thing he did was try and get out of that class. There was no way he could stay in there without something going wrong. But his attempts were futile as all the other classes were full.

Jimin was angry, so angry. How rare was it, to find the one person whose blood sings to you? A vampire's singer, their blood almost irresistible, and to drink it would cause a feeling of indescribable ecstasy. Vampires rarely found this person, so why did he find his? He, who for many many years pledged to only drink animal blood, as he couldn't stand the thought of hurting people?

The anger had turned to frustration and fear. He couldn't get out of the class, and he couldn't just disappear. And so he decided to tell her upfront, that you should not be around him. He knew it was strange to hear, and he had tried before then to see if introducing himself and becoming more familiar with her would make it better, but it didn't. So he said a warning, hoping that avoiding her would make it easier.

However...he found himself thinking about her constantly. He'd unconsciously search for you in the cafeteria, watch you eat with your friends, see you go to class. He found himself becoming annoyed when you smelled of wet dog coming out of the class in which you shared with the werewolves. At work he was thinking of you, wondering if you had made it home okay. And so after that, before he'd start his shift, he would discreetly follow both you and your friend to your house.

It was wrong, oh he knew it was, but he had just become so..obsessive. Protective. It irritated him.

He followed you to your class after lunch indiscreetly and noticed you were about to collide with another student. Without a second thought, Jimin reached out to pull you out of the way. Your skin burned against his own and he could feel the blood under the skin. He saved you, for what? He told you to stay away from him, but he couldn't stay away from you. Oh, he was so angry.

And now, he was scared. You came into the cafe, and he was happy. So happy, and that terrified him. What have you done?

"Intoxicating?" Yoongi finished his sentence bluntly, knocking Jimin out of his thoughts. The elder sighed and rubbed a hand over his face, eyebrows creased. "It's not like you could have kicked her out, she did nothing wrong. But you could have gotten me to take her order."

"You're on break," Jimin reminds him, running a hand through his hair. Yoongi rolls his eyes and shakes his head in exasperation.

"You need to try harder to avoid her. I'm not blind, I've been catching you following her every move. That is dangerous, and you know it. Because obviously, I am not the only one who has noticed."

Jimin frowns and his eyes narrow in distaste. The werewolves, he already knew. "They can mind their own business," he mumbles.

Yoongi shakes his head and stands up, flicking Jimin on the forehead. "You're shift is over. Grab your stuff and go home and I'll be there in a bit." He pauses. "..and go hunt. Your eyes are darker than the sky right now." And with that, he throws on his apron and walks out of the breakroom, immediately throwing on a well practiced false smile towards a customer.

Jimin stood there for a moment before taking his own apron off, hanging it up, and walking out the door.

Hunt...he was thirsty alright. His throat burned at the thought of blood and he resisted the urge to grab at it. It would take a lot of animal blood to satisfy him after running into you.

He looked up at the night sky. Should he travel a bit farther to hunt? Prey animals were closer, but carnivores tasted better. Maybe he'd get lucky and come across his favorite, a mountain lion.

Jimin began to get ready to run into the woods when he suddenly stopped, freezing. He looked to his left, your scent wafting in the air. He recognized the direction you went, that direction being toward your house. Did you make it alright?

Feeling a foreign tingling sensation in his chest, he frowned and ran a hand through his messy hair once more.

Oh for the love..

It doesn't hurt to check, right?

And so he began the walk towards your house.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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