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"Wait, so you're telling me..." Jaehee started while staring at me. "That Jimin and Yoongi are dangerous?"

I shrugged and realized how stupid it sounded coming out of her mouth.

School went out ten minutes ago and Jaehee and I walked to our houses. We lived on the same street, so usually we walked to school together and walked to our houses together.

"That's what Taehyung said," I murmur.

Jaehee laughed. "Don't you think that Taehyung guy looks suspicious too?"

"Sure" I nod "But Jimin seems to be mysterious, don't you think?" I said

Jaehee sighed. "I guess so. But come on, since when are you suddenly interested in boys?"

My face turned red with embarrassment. "I-I--"

"I'm just playing with you girl!" Jaehee interrupted "Well...sort of.  Guys have been interested in you for quite some time."

Jaehee rolled her eyes. "-But you always turn them away"

She was right. I've never really been interested in guys...but they're always interested in me.

"The guys that ask me are immature, or they're just not my type" I say quietly while looking forward

"Oh?" Jaehee giggled while wiggling her eyebrows "What's your type?"

I shrug and blush. "Well...the quiet boys, I guess? The ones that are quiet but give off the bad boy vibe."

Jaehee stared at me. "Since when did you dig for those kind of boys? Actually I can't say that since you've never actually liked any boy until now"

"W-What?" I stutter "what do you mean 'until now'?"

Before Jaehee could answer we reached my house. She shrugged and waved. "I'll tell you tomorrow"


"Bye Y/n!" Jaehee waved and skipped away

I stare at her for a minute before shaking my head and walking inside my house.

I lazily drop my bag and walk into the kitchen. I grab an apple and chomp into it while playing a piano game that I had just gotten on my phone.

I got a sudden text that made me jump and lose my score.

Hey dear! Your father and I will be late again! Go ahead and make dinner for yourself and make sure you do your homework!
We love you!

My body feels numb as I throw away the apple core and walk to my room. I barely see my parents anymore because of their new job.

Mom tells me that the job was 'secret' and couldn't tell me. Sometimes I go to Jaehee's house because I feel so lonely over here. Her parents know what's going on and practically see me as their second daughter.

I was happy and glad they saw me that way, but sometimes I want to be loved by my real mom and dad too.

I search through my bag and pull out the homework that stupid Ms. Min gave us...actually, no, gave ME. Apparently I was being disruptive and being a distraction to her teaching. I don't see what I did to make her feel that way to me. Whatever, I don't want to become friends with a teacher who can't close her legs when she's around minors.

As I scan the homework, I realized that she gave me stupidly hard history. Sure, she was a history teacher and all, but I mean come on. This paper is WAY above my level.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone and started texting Jaehee.

Jaehee! Remember that history teacher I told you about? Well she gave me homework that is well above our grade level!

Ms. Min? Jeez, do you need some help? You can come over to my house. She gave my class homework too.

Really?? Thank you! I'll be there in a little bit, I'm going to eat first.

OK. My mom said that it was fine. See you in a bit.

I sigh in relief. Jaehee was smart, way smarter than me. I'm not dumb, just average...I think.

I walk into the kitchen and I make myself a bowl of cereal. I sit on the couch and reach for the TV remote, flipping through channels until I find the News.

I take a bite of my cereal and watch silently.

"Alright well before we start with the weather this evening, we have very important news!"

I only half listen as I find an oddly shaped piece of my cereal.

"There has been a couple of murders in the past week. The murderer has not been caught, so lock all your doors at night and stay safe! We are not sure what the murder weapon is but we have found weird marks on the victims neck! More information after the weather!"

This time I was fully alert. Killings? In my town? I turn the TV off and wash my bowl out in the sink.

I grab my shoes and quickly put them on. I walk outside to see the sun setting and to hear the many dogs barking.

After locking the door I step out and walk the short distance to Jaehee's house.


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