Author's note

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Hey everyone :) I hope you are all well !

I'm so happy to finally come up with this collection of poems, I have been working on it for some time now and I think it is time to show it to the world. 

So here is, "Welcome, my emptiness" a collection of poems who deals with all my emotions and my life. When I say "my life", I only abord the bad side of it, all of the things that broken me, made me sad, anxious....

Of course you are going to get into my life, mostly into the bad parts of it, into what makes me...well me. I won't say it is easy to show it here, it is not ! But I love the challenge to show, for once, what's wrong and not just the good things in life. 

I know some people will not like it, and I can comprehend because I cannot please everybody...

I must warn you, however, that some of the subjects covered may be difficult for some people even if the texts in questions do not show them directly. These aren't normally very trashy themes, but I prefer to warn you just in case. 

This collection will mostly deal with the subjects of death, loss, sadness, emptiness...

I wish you will like it, I wish you will tell me if you have some ideas and advices, and also I wish you will find a part of you on my thoughts and tell yourself "okay, I am not alone on this process, somebody else feels exactly like me", I wish I can help you on those emotions you don't understand and what I really wish is you just enjoy your time reading and live your life even if it's not always simple. 

Thank you for reading this, and I welcome you to my emptiness ! 

With love, 

Noryoa :)

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