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I am here waiting 

I am here waiting for, I don't quite know, you maybe...

You stole a part of me when you left and sometimes all is left is nothing in my chest. 

I could go on and on on the pain I take but it is not necessary. 

All I need is to see you one last time, 

Because all I need is to talk to you and tell you how much I have been missing you. 

I am scared, scared to feel something again not because I don't want too, just because feeling was too much at that time and I felt weak crying right in front of your grave. 

I am scared to lost me  in order to found you somewhere

All I can see are these walls I build around this heart that only wanted to be protected from pain.

But, I am still here waiting for your return in case they were wrong, I still believe you will return to me...

Even if your name is carved on that stone, on that grave, that I visit everyday. 

I am here waiting, here and there, kind of everywhere. 

I am here waiting in vain like a ghost who lost it's way trying to reach you in vain...

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