Chapter 7

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Danielle's Pov

I hear something in the hall around 4 am as I open my eyes I see Mia at the door and I see it also woke Stefania up and I see her look scared and we both hear Mia say "I'm sorry I'll go back to my room" but we both look at her and i hear Stefania say "no no no Bambina come here."

We see Mia climb on the bed and we let her lay under the blankets and we cuddle with her so she feels safe and so she is comfortable.

A few hours later in the morning we see Mia laying snuggled against us but a little later we have to wake up so I wake up Mia "Mimi we have to go soon wake up sweetheart" we see her roll over and then Stefania tries "Bambina wake up we will go to set soon"

then we see her get up and stefania gives me a grin. "okay fine you win" i smile and i see her come closer "but remember bella it's almost your bithday" i look at her "oh please that is over two week away" 

I get up and I walk to the bathroom as i get ready. I see her come in the bathroom "Hello Bella" I smile as I turn around "oh hello beautiful" I give her a kiss.

After we all got ready we go to set and we walk with Jeff and Ford to our trailer and we walk passed all the fans and we see Mia look scared at one girl and i walk up to her "hey can i talk to you for a moment" 

The girl named Britney nods "ofcourse" I look serious "are you the girl talking about Mia last time when we came meet you all" I see her nod as i see her laugh "don't you dare make fun of her again or you will get in trouble"

I see the friend of Britney look at Mia and i hear her say "Don't listen to what she said she is jealous" I look at her "what is your name sweetie?" I see the girl look at me "my name is Rose" I smile at her "thankyou for being a kind human being" I see her smile "ofcourse i would never hate on people who inspire me and who i am fan of and also because i know how much she means to all of you" 

I give her a smile as i give her a hug and i walk away with Stefania and Mia and I take Mia her hand as we walk to our trailer and we chill there a little before we go to hair and makeup and I sit down in the chair and i get my hair and Make-up done while i have Mia on my lap and i just smile and i play with her hair.

and i hear Stefania say "my Bambina and my Bella together in hair and make-up" I smile and we both see Mia being shy "aww Mimi is shy" We all then see Merle come in the trailer and we all hear Mia say immediately "Auntie Merle!!!" I smile 

and we hear hear Merle say "yes its me Mim it's auntie Merle" Merle Picks up Mia and hugs her "I missed you Mim" After we get out of Hair and Make-up and we go to Wardrobe. We change to our set clothes and we go to set after we finish changing. 

When we get to set we greet everyone and we  greet everyone and we see Mia sit down on the floor against the wall and Merle sits down next to her to give her some company. Stefania and I get in our places as we get ready to start shooting our scenes. We give Mia sometimes a smile during our scene as we get eye contact with her. 

We see that that brings a huge smile to her face as we also see she is getting comfy in Merle her arms.

Stefania's Pov

I give Mia funny faces when the camera is not on me and i make a heart with my hands her way one time when the camera is not on me. and when we finish shooting our scenes we go and get lunch. We chill with Merle Jaina and Barrett Jeff and Ford at our table as we see Mia play with Ford and Jeff a little. Till i tell her "Bambina come eat first after you can play with them again okay" 

She nods at me as she sits down between Merle and I. I stroke her hair as i see her eat a part of her lunch and when she looks at me i know she is full "I'll save the rest for you for later okay Bambina?"

I see her nod as she gets back to playing with Jeff and Ford again. I see Merle smile "She grows up so fast" I nod at her.

I rest back against Danielle as we just chill a little while we don't have to film but Like 30 minutes later we go back on set but this time we also have to shoot with Mia and Danielle and i both enjoy filming with our daughter.

Authors note.

Hope you all like the new chapter.

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