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(idk if the picture actually works)

WATCH THIS TRICK!! *throws a book at you because i love books a whole lot and id rather read a book than have free time on my computer at school*

guys dont play phighting on ur school computer unless the computer is actually good (mine sucks)

also lets hope im actually gonna stay awake this time cause i feel the sleepiness

(plz help me stop accidentally making noises when im upset that i lost in phighting or got killed)


"This is the third time you fell face-first into the mud," Slingshot complained.

"SORRY!!" Rocket apologized as he wiped mud away from his face. Yikes, he was pretty dirty... not in that way. Slingshot had to save him from falling multiple times. It wasn't even that hard! The ground wasn't that damp!

(im trying so hard to not make it weird)

The sounds in the forest made Rocket eerie. Eh, I mean, the sounds of birds were fine, but it felt like something was watching them. Every step Rocket took he swore he could hear a crunch. When he turned around, nothing was there. It was pretty creepy to him, so he kept close to Slingshot the whole time.

Slingshot didn't mind the fact Rocket was close to him. It was actually pretty comforting. I mean, he wasn't scared of anything, since he enjoys walking everywhere. He just liked the thought of being able to walk with friends.

(get friendzoned /j)

The closer the duo got to Lost Temple, the more sand got in their shoes. It was uncomfortable, and Rocket kept complaining about it.

"I don't like the sand!"

"This is uncomfortable!"

"What's in my shoe!?"

Slingshot had to bite his tongue. He just wanted to whisper some insults, but he didn't want to deal with Rocket crying, either. So he just kept quiet, saying insults to Rocket in his mind.

"Hey, why do you collect rocks?"





What the fuck is with Slingshot!? Rocket thought. Honestly, I'm with him about the rocks. It's a little childish that he would even name the rocks. Well, I guess it would've taken him a long time to choose a name for the rocks, anyway. Also, how does he remember which rock is which? Slingshot must have a great memory if he can remember his rocks' names!

Rocket and Slingshot finally make it to Lost Temple. Oh goodness, it really did look like the West. (insert THE MOST WANTED song) They should be careful. They don't know when a fight is gonna happen. It's so stupid how they don't know what Skateboard did yet. Still, it's good that they still trust him.


Is that....?

Is that a wanted sign with Skateboard's face on it? Rocket ran up to the paper, and ripped it off from the wall. "Slingshot!" He called him over here. When Slingshot read the paper, he was surprised, too.

"400k Bux!?" Slingshot yelled. He snatched the paper and looked over it again. Rubbing his eyes, Slingshot kept reading it. There was no way his best friend was a criminal! Was he even his best friend anymore? Whatever, what the hell has this guy done!?


you must kill him to become him - april fools update thing

dude i keep forgetting to say that yesterday (friday) i had hit 500k bux!! unless i already said that and im actually stupid.

also i need to calm down and stop accidentally making noises when i get killed in phighting (plz help cause idk why its happening)

me = sleepy and tired and i feel like napping and sleeping and closing my eyes and sleeping for a long long time!!

woah guess what time it is for me??
1:29 am!!

okay, sillies, gm, im gonna sleep neow!!

635 words

swocket angst!!!1!!1! 😭😭😭😭Where stories live. Discover now