Chapter 15

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Annabelle already had eggs cooking in the frying pan when Mary, her father, and Samuel arrived back at the mercantile.

"Thought we could have a nice breakfast before you go, Samuel," she said, cracking another small egg into the pan.

"Thank you! It smells delicious!" Samuel was still hungry in spite of eating at the bakery.

"You're very welcome." She smiled warmly, and once again, Mary was slightly jealous of their bond. "I'm afraid I did have to steal a few eggs from the shop." Annabelle looked directly at Mary's father, searching for approval.

"Just this once, I suppose is okay." He paused, then said, "And I guess we can eat before we go. I was planning to leave right away, but we couldn't possibly waste these. Plus, we don't want to leave with an empty stomach!" He knew the children had a bun at the bakery but didn't bother to tell Annabelle as it might spoil this kind thing she had planned for them. Mary's father walked over to the table just as Annabelle placed an egg and a small piece of toast on a plate at his usual spot at the table.

"I'll go grab the rocking chair." Mary said, suddenly, realizing that again, there wouldn't be enough seats for everyone.

"Tell John that breakfast is ready too." Mary's grandmother mentioned, just before Mary reached the top of the stairs.


By the time everything was set up, and everyone was seated at the table, all was quiet, as everyone was taking in the meal h that was made for them. Always a bonus! thought Mary, laughing to herself.

Then, Samuel clinked his glass with his fork, as if ready to make an announcement or toast at a wedding. Everyone turned to look at him.

"Uh, sorry. I just wanted to say how grateful I am to all of you for letting me into your home, as a stranger, nonetheless, a robber!" You were all so friendly, when you should have scolded me and sent me away." He waited, and then hearing no one respond, spoke again. "Mary, I know I didn't spend a lot of time with you, but I'm sure that you'll make a great shop owner someday, and, oh, I almost forgot... your hot cocoa is-'' he stopped and took his fingers and brought them to his lips and kissed them, and then released them.

"Thank you Samuel. I'm glad you enjoyed my hot cocoa...and our time together. I did too." Mary responded.

"And thank you sir," he nodded at Mary's father, "for allowing me to stay and arranging my place at the orphanage, and all that you have done for me."

Mary's father stopped and looked at Samuel, then swallowed hard. "You're welcome. It was good to meet you... even under certain circumstances."

Samuel smiled, and then turned to look at Annabelle. "I have a surprise for you. He got up, walked to the chair in the living room, and pulled out something underneath it. It was a small pink knitted pouch. He walked back to the table and sat down and handed Annabelle the pouch.

"Don't mind me asking, but what is it exactly for?" she asked in her sweetest voice.

"It's to hold your glasses, when you're not using them."

"Oh, what a wonderful gift! Thank you very much, Samuel. I love it! I'm surprised you could make this all on your own, with only a few lessons."

"You taught me well. It's all thanks to you. I will miss our knitting lessons."

"Me too," she said, in agreement.

"And John, well - uh..." Samuel started.

"I didn't do much, I know."

"No... I mean you did...Thank you for sparing me your bed. It was far better than what I've been used to."

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