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The pink haired fae spent most of the next day in bed following staying up all night to keep an eye on Feyre. She had been woken briefly by Lucien but after murmuring an excuse about a headache he had left her alone, promising to check on her later.

It wasn't until dinner that Elina finally rose, only to be treated to her meal in bed, Lucien sitting next to her and watching carefully as she ate a few spoonfuls of soup, taking a bite of the buttery roll and letting out a groan.

"You've been quiet this past week," Lucien said and Elina shifted uncomfortably on her bed, she ate another spoonful of soup but Lucien's gaze did not waver. Instead he sighed, taking Elina's wrist in his, she swallowed quickly, letting him take the spoon and bowl from her grip, "This isn't like you, Lina. I haven't seen you like this..." He trailed of but Elina knew what he was going to say. She hadn't been like this since her mother had passed and the pink haired fae had fallen into an almost catatonic state, for days she was unresponsive, she didn't move, didn't talk, she simply sat.

"I've had a lot on my mind," The girl said, her eyes still fixed upon her lap, Lucien reached out, cupping her chin with his thumb and forefinger, Elina didn't mean to but she flinched away. Flashes of Tamlin grasping her chin, his claws only inches away from her delicate throat clouding her mind, she could hear the rumble of his voice echoing in her head. Lucien pulled his arm back as though he had been burnt, and finally Elina looked at him, long enough to see the hurt on his face, the way his hand trembled slightly.

"What happened?" The Autumn Court male demanded, "You've been like this since you and Tamlin spoke, I thought you were just upset because you don't like people shouting at you, but this is something more, isn't it?"

"Lucien," Elina pleaded, but Lucien shook his head, standing from the bed, rage staining his handsome face.

"I didn't think he could be so stupid," He hissed through his teeth, "Elina, why didn't you tell me?" He asked again, russet eyes burning with the fire of the Autumn Court that raced through his veins.

"What difference would it make?" Elina exclaimed, stunning the man, "What were you going to do Lucien? Fight him? Challenge him over this?" She asked, "There is nothing you can do, just like there was nothing you could do when he tore the manor apart after Amarantha cursed you, he is the High Lord, you are his emissary," A heavy breath fell from Elina's lips, Lucien looked distraught, chest heaving.

"There is nothing I wouldn't do to protect you, Elina," He said, reaching out and taking her hands into his own, "There is no boundary that I am not willing to cross for you if it means keeping you safe. If I thought that you weren't safe here I would do anything to get you out of here. Hell, I would travel to the mortal realm and live in hiding with you in squalor if it meant that you were okay," His eyes were fierce, and Elina knew he was telling the truth. For the past fifty years they had only had each other, and even before then, Lucien had shielded Elina from so much, even when his own heart was broken he had held on for her, looked after her. He had given everything for her, and she was messing with his final chance of freedom.

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗻, 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗼𝗻, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀; acotarWhere stories live. Discover now