part 4

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Nico's P.O.V.

I woke up early in the morning. After talking with the ghost I had a dreamless night. What was very rare and very welcome. I grabbed my robe and noticed something small fall out of my pocket. I picked it up and realized that it was the note that the skeleton rat brought me.  I openend it and read the three words that were standing there.

Braccas Meas Vescimini.

I raised my eyebrows at the note. 'Eat my pants'? Who send me this. The first name that came to my mind is Percy because he said it once. We still laugh about that at camp.

I folded the note and and grabbed the rest of my stuff. I first went to the great hall but decided against it. Instead I went moaning Myrtle's bathroom on the first floor. It was time I IM-ed Reyna and Hazel. 

Moaning Myrtle was in front of me as soon as I stepped in the bathroom and closed the door. "H-how m-may I h-help you My-my lord?" She stuttered. I nodded, "Yes I need you to create a mist so I can send some Iris Messages." I said with a calm voice. As soon as I was done with speaking she flew away in a toilet. A few seconds later there formed a mist. I grabbed two drachma's out of my pocket and threw it in the mist while saying. "Oh fleecy. Do me a solid. Show Hazel Levesque."

An image of my Sister, Reyna and Frank appeared. They were sitting around a table and seemed to have a problem judging by the stacks of paper on the table. "Hey guys." I said a little nervous. As soon as they heard my voice their heads snapped up. Hazel jumped up screaming "Nico! Where in Hades have you been?" She demanded. 

"Yeah Nico, I would like to know too why you run off without a word." Reyna said as cool as ever, but I could see in her eyes that she was happy to see me. That made my stomach flutter a little, people cared about me.

"Sorry guys. Father send me on this quest for Hecate and I hadn't had the time to contact you about it. What is the problem you are dealing with?" I asked Immediately trying to change the subject from me and my quest. I didn't know how much I'm allowed to tell.

"Well part of this is you." Frank said with a nice smile. "And the other part is some trouble some monsters are making just outside of camp. It's not safe to leave camp anymore." He continued. I nodded. I looked at my watch and saw the first class was about to start. "Styx, I'm late. Guys I have to go. I'll IM you later but DON'T IM me okay." I said, I didn't wait for their reply when I cut off the connection.

I shadow travelled to the hallway of my next class. What happened to be Astronomy.


Harry's P.O.V

I was walking to the Astronomy tower. Well more like running because I'm late. When I saw the shadows move. I stopped dead in my tracks. The shadows don't move on their own.

I watched as the shadows became almost solid and formed in a figure. The shadows then pulled away all at once and leaving a boy there. It took me a few seconds to recognize the boy as Nico. He quiqly made his way into the class room. Leaving me standing there.

How on earth did his control those shadows and apparate on the school grounds. That is impossible. I needed to tell Hermione about this, she can find out what and how. I still think he is a death eater.


Nico's P.O.V

The day went by pretty quietly. Nothing special happened... well except for potions. I kinda made Crabbe's cauldron explode. But hey he deserved it. Now I'm waiting outside of Professor Umbrige's office waiting for Harry. He arrived just in time.

I almost threw up as I walked into the office. Pink. Everywhere pink. And kittens, sickly cute kittens, on saucers. Now don't understand me wrong. Kittens are cute but as much as she had hanging here made me plainly sick.

There were two desks standing on the side. I guess that's where Harry and I are supposed to sit. We both sat down and looked at the exploded pink toad. She gave us some sickly sweet smiles. "You will be writing lines. Mr. Potter you will be writing 'I must not tell lies' and Mr. Di Angelo you will write. 'I will not disrespect my teachers'." Line's. That won't be that bad. Both Harry and I were about to grabb our quills when the toad of every kids nightmare stopped us. "You won't be using your quills you will be using mine." She put a dark red quill on Harry and mines desk. 

I felt a weird vibe coming from the quill. Carefully I grabbed the quill but as soon as I touched it I felt black magic. As quickly as you could say 'Hellhound' I dropped it. I glared at the quill, there is no way in Hades I'm gonna write with that cursed thing. It was an feather of a monster. If you write with it, it uses the users blood and carves it in the skin of the user. To normal humans it just stings a bit. But to demigods was like having a little spot stabbed with daggers over and over again.

"Is there something wrong? Mr. Di Angelo" the toads voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked at Harry and saw that he already started with writing his sentences. I looked the evil toad in the eye. "I'm not writing with those cursed things." I said cooly but with a threat hidden in my voice.

"And why is that?" She asked with her annoying girlish voice. "Like I already said. They are cursed. It won't have any effect on you two but I won't have an other scar added." I answered immediately.

She narrowed her eyes at me. But before she could open her mouth an owl tapped on the window. It was a Dark gray one with brown eyes. The toad opened the window and grabbed the letter that was bound to the leg of the owl. She opened it and read read it quickly read it. She pursed her lips and grabbed an other peace of paper. I saw my name written on it. 

I jumped up and grabbed that letter out of her hand. "Don't you know it's rude to read others mail." I sneered. I looked at the letter and recognized my fathers hand writing. Why would my father write me so randomly? I read the first letter that was in English. It was just some rubbish about Persephone being mad. Luckily nothing that could give me away. I snorted at that letter. 

The second letter was written in greek. I opened it and read it. Nico, you need to work harder. Hades. Wow. Just wow dad. I feel the love you have for me. "Mr. Di Angelo! Sit down and write your sentences." The toad screeched. I did sit down and I wrote Only I wrote with my own quill. She didn't see because I used some mist on her. As I was writing I felt Harry's stare in the side of my head.


I was just getting dressed for bed when Harry and Ron entered with determent looks on their faces. Oh zeus, those two are planning something. 

They walked straight up to me and stood there just staring at me. "Can I help you?" I asked. Ron nodded, "Yeah, I want you to confess that you are a death eater." He said.

I  looked at him puzzled. "Why would anyone want to eat death?" I asked. Then it shot through my head that the followers of moldyshorts named them selfs so. "Never mind. No I'm not. Why?" I said

They pointed to my left arm where my SPQR  tattoo is. I frowned and rolled up my sleeve. They looked at my tattoo wide eyed. "What stands SPQR for?" Harry asked

"Senatres populusque Romanus" I answered automatically. "But-but. I saw you preform black magic. At the astronomy tower. You came out of the shadows, like they literally formed you." Harry stuttered.

I sighed at their stupidness. "That is my special type of magic. It's very rare and very dangerous. That's why I don't tell anybody about it. It will scare them away. And I was late so I shadow travelled." I explained with a yawn. "Now if you will excuse me. With great power come a great need to take a nap. Good night." I said jumping on my bed and under the covers. Falling asleep almost immediately. Leaving Ron and Harry with their mouths open.



sorry for the short chapter and that it is sooooo bad but I'm almost drained out of ideas and I can't come up with new ones. pleasee help me. And let me know if you want a Solangelo or some Pernico love in the story. Let me know in the comments.
And I just wanted to say thank you for the votes and comments. I know it's not much but I really appreciate it.


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