Part 20

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It was completely silent as they walked into the forbidden forest. No one dared to make an sound, Umbridge was perhaps the most nervous of us all. Flinching every time a twig snapped under her feet or if the low bushed rustled because of the wind. Harry and Hermione were a bit more relaxed as they made their way through the forest, though they were still tense.

"How far is this weapon?" Umbridge asked. I was getting pretty annoying with how loud she walks. She made a lot of noise that would attract a lot of unwanted attention. I jumped over a fallen tree, as I looked at Hermione sideways.

"Not too far I think. Just a little further." Hermione answered as she grabbed Harry's hand to avoid having him tripping over something buried in the undergrowth. Slowly we reached the place where Hagrid's half brother, Grump, was tied to a tree. Hermione cursed as she came to a stop. The rope where Grump was tied to was snapped and the Giant was nowhere to find. It was silent for a moment before Umbridge decided to open her mouth once again.

"Well, where is it?!" She demanded as she pointed her wand at Hermione and Harry. "This is a trap isn't it? There is no weapon."

Hermione opened her mouth to protest but she quickly stopped as she heard the sound of hooves stomping on the mossy ground. Only a second later a horde of centaurs jumped through the trees and into the open clearing where we stood. Umbridge immediately started spinning around pointing her wand at each one of them as if she could hit all of them on her own. Hermione quickly grabbed Harry's arm and squeezed it. My hand flew to my ring, ready to take out my sword when needed.

"What are you doing in our forest?" One of the older looking centaurs asked with a menacing glare.

"I demand that you disgusting half-creatures leave us alone and let us go!" Umbridge demanded immediately. I almost face palmed. Did she really think that she could convince the centaurs to let us go if she addressed them so disrespectfully? I knew that the party ponies are nothing like the centaurs here in the forbidden forest, but they had a few things in common. Their pride, and they didn't like to be insulted as a lesser being at all.

Al lot of centaurs scraped their hooves in the ground at Umbridge's comment.

"Excuse her sir, she doesn't know how to behave." I decided to jump in, I wasn't exactly in the mood to be used as target practice for the centaurs. "We're here to see Grump. Do you know by any chance where he could be?" I asked, it wasn't very difficult to talk to the centaurs correctly. I had to work with the party ponies for a little while a year ago for father.

"You are one of Chiron's students, aren't you?" The centaur that had spoken earlier asked. "The beast you're looking for is somewhere in the forest wreaking havoc. Mars and Venus are dim tonight, it doesn't fore spell anything good." The last part was really strange. Umbride interrupted again before I could ask what he meant.

Umbridge started screaming about half breeds and some kind of plot. The longer she spoke the angrier the horde seemed to get. This time I did face palm, this woman is going to get us all killed.

All of the centaurs raised their bows the moment Umbridge finished with a particular bad insult. Just as they were about to shoot familiar roar sounded. All the centaurs turned to the source of the sound and shot only seconds after Grump busted through the trees and into the clearing.

"Stop!" I yelled at the centaurs who just ignored me. I growled a curse before pulling out my sword. Umbridge gasped as started stuttering about how I wasn't allowed to have a sword and that I had to hand it in immediately but I paid her no mind. I jumped towards Grump and cut two arrows that were going towards his head with a swing of my sword.

"Stop firing!" I yelled again, this time the centaurs listened and stopped firing but they still held their bows up, ready to use them again.

"Step aside, this has nothing to do with you." A centaur with a dark brown coat said. I ignored him and looked at the oldest centaurs. "If you leave him alone for just a week I will take care that he gets a new place to stay. He won't disturb you any longer, okay?"

The centaur looked at the rest of his herd? Before nodding. "Fine Halfling, we will listen to your request. But if he isn't gone in seven days, you both will pay the consequences." He threatened before he turned to Harry, Hermione and Umbridge. "Answer our question from earlier. What are you doing in our forest?" He demanded.

Umbridge bristled, "I will not let me be pushed around by a couple of disgusting halfbreeds!" She exclaimed before shooting a rope at one of the centaurs from her wand. The rope wound it's way around the centaur before pulling together at his legs, making him lose his balance and fall down. The other centaurs exclaimed screams of rage before charging at Umbridge. Harry pulled Hermione out of the way just in time, if he had been just a bit slower they would have been trampled. The centaurs grabbed Umbridge by her arms and dragged her into the forest, while she started screaming and throwing threats about what she was going to tell the minister and what would happen to them in court. All useless stuff to a centaur apparently as they just ran further without even looking concerned at all by her threats.

I turned to Harry and Hermione as the last centaur disappeared. "Let's get back to the school."


Finally I could write a new chapter. I am actually pretty proud on how it turned out. Believe me I am trying as best as I can to write further but school is taking up all of my time and I am getting too stressed by it. 

BY THE WAY, have you guys seen Fantastic Beasts???? It was just too amazing and I can't get enough of Newt. I am still fangirling about the guy. 

anyway, I hoped that you really enjoyed this chapter. Please leave a vote and keep the comments nice 

XOXO Herondale

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