Part 15

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The rest of the holiday flew by and before I knew it I was sitting in the night bus with all the Weasleys and Harry on our way to Hogsmade. The town was completely white when we arrived. Snow was still falling out of the sky, landing on the very few people that were outside.

At first when we arrived we got counted. Traveling with the Weasleys is a lot of work, especially when you're used to traveling alone. You always have to keep in your mind that you have to wait on others and that everyone has everything. It is exhausting. After we arrived at the gates to Hogwarts we got counted again. Apparently the twins had the idea to sneak of to the joke shop in town to get some supplies or something. We went right to the Gryffindor common room as soon as we arrived at the castle itself. Neville and Hermione were already there waiting for us. Hermione threw her arms around Harry and Ron's necks when they got close enough to her.

"Thank god, I got a bit worried when you didn't show up on the train. Only to remember that you had planned to go with the night bus. I don't trust that bus, honestly it gives me the creeps." She rambled as she gave me a hug too. Over her shoulder I saw Ron and Harry looking at Neville with pity, and Neville himself looked really awkward himself. So I decided to try and save him.

"Neville, what did you think of your christmas gift?" I asked. And as soon as I did a special kind of joy started to grow in his eyes, the kind of look a little kid gets in a candy store.

"Amazing! Where did you get such a rare plants? I mean they are like myths, haven't been seen in over a hundred years." He said. "I was just telling Hermione about them." Behind him stood the two flowers I've given him. A few moon lace that I may have taken from Percy's pot. But he wouldn't miss them, the thing is overflowing with flowers. There were also a few of tracking flowers that Thalia, Percy and I used to track Ethan Nakamura. Persephone gave them to me with the spell that they won't die. And since I really have no green thumbs I gave them to Neville for save keeping.

I grinned at him. "My stepmother has something with flowers. As for the moon lace, my cousin is next to you the only living person who has them. So don't go and sell them to anyone, It'll keep it rare and special."

The rest of the evening was pretty normal, when you don't count the Weasley twins blowing up all of the deserts on the Slytherin table. Of course miss pink toad didn't know it was them. But I was sure that McGonagall was trying not to smile when a whole pie hit Umbitch in the face. Dumbledore probably didn't care what she would think and laughed out loud with almost all of the other students.


The rest of the week went by slowly. Snape just thought it would be fun to give is five essays on different kind of plants and if he thought that on of them wasn't good enough you had to write two extra. So basically I had to write seven, Ron and Harry nine and Neville had to write eleven. McGonagall also gave us a lot of homework but she kept it in the 'What students can handle' aria.

I think the only reason some of us came through with the week was that we got an DA meeting tonight. Harry, Hermione and I were already here. Hermione didn't allow Ron to come earlier till he finished his Care of Magical Creatures homework.

Hermione was reading some book on defensive spells agains magical creatures. She kind of reminded me of how Annabeth would be studying. Sitting on the ground and having a pile of books sitting around her. Harry was thinking of what he was going to teach everyone, and how he would do it. He was a good teacher. He had the patience that I never had with the kids at camp when I would have to learn sword fighting. I was bouncing a ball against the wall and catching it again. It irritated Hermione, but I just continued. It actually got more fun because of that.

After a minute or two the others started coming. Ginny immediately ran to Harry and Hermione. "Hagrid's back!" She said out of breath as if she'd been running. Which she probably was. I didn't know who Hagrid was, but judging by the looks on their faces he's a friend, or at least someone they liked.

The DA meeting wasn't much. Just repeating what we've learned before the holidays. Seeing if we remembered. Harry promised that we'll start working on the patronus spell next time. Harry looked with his map if everyone got back to their common rooms safely. We started walking away before I noticed that they weren't going to the Gryffindor common room.

"Uhm, guys? Where are you going?" I asked, walking a few paces behind them. Ron turned so that he was walking backwards.

"Oh, We're just gonna visit our friend Hagrid." He said. I nodded, I kind of had a feeling that it would be better if I didn't come along. Not only the fact that it maybe become awkward if I were there. But it also gave me the chance to IM Percy or Hazel. Since Ron, Harry and I became kind of friends it has been difficult to slip away and IM my family without raising suspicion.

"Ok, I'm gonna go upstairs." I said turning around. I saw Hermione's mouth open to protest but I stopped her. "It's fine. I have something to ask Neville anyways." She and Harry nodded accepting my excuse.

"Stay safe!" I shouted before they disappeared around the corner. Sprinting up the stairs I found myself before the portrait of the Fat Lady. I spoke the password before she had the chance to ask for it. As I climbed through I heard her grumbling about how rude the students were these days. Her little tirade to herself got cut short by the opening slamming shut again.

"Neville!" I called. Neville who sat in front of the fire looked up. "Come" Was all I said before running upstairs.


So yeah, this is again a fill-in-chapter. It is all my brain could come up with. I really do my best to update as soon as I can. But school. That is all I can say, I know most of you will understand.

So I have a question on something I can't decide: Sirius. Should I let him live, or go with J.K. and let him... *tear slips out of eye* Die?

I'm thinking of posting my story on so if you like reading there a bit more then on wattpad (like me) Then you can find it there. And please let me know your Ideas for this story.

As alway, Keep the comments nice. Vote please

XOXO Herondale

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