part 24

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I straightened up from the spot besides my bed where I was kneeling to retrieve a sweater that had under it some time ago. The school year was officially over and everyone is packing up their stuff and getting ready to return home for the summer. Students were running around the dorms and common room to find a book they left somewhere or a missing cat that was hiding somewhere.

In the room I shared with Neville, Harry, Ron, Dean and Thomas it was eerily quiet. No one was in much of a mood to talk after the events of the ministry. Neville was still quite a bit scared from seeing Bellatrix, Ron had just been released from the hospital wing but he was still recovering from being attacked by brains. And Harry was too busy with the ministry – who were trying to get him working with them and make propaganda against Voldemort, and Sirius – who would be given a proper trail to prove his innocence.

Dean and Seamus were thankfully quiet about everything that happened at the ministry. Ron, Neville, me and especially Harry got attacked with questions every time we left our room. The same happened with Hermione, Ginny and Luna. Everyone was getting tired and annoyed of never having a moment for themselves. I sympathised with Percy, he had to go trough this two times at camp, after the giant and after the titan war.

"So... What are you guys going to do in the summer? I'm going to South-Africa with my mum and dad." Dean asked breaking the silence that was slowly getting awkward.

"I'm not sure what we're doing this summer. I think mum's planning to go to her brother in Spain, don't know if I'll join her." Seamus answered easily before turning to me. "And you?"

I shrugged. "Depends on where I want to live. If it is with my dad I'm probably look for a job. But I think that I'll stay with some family, see how my sister is doing, maybe travel to Italy or Greece." I answered, it was close enough. If I was going to stay with my dad I would have to work for him. Or I could go back to camp Half-Blood or Jupiter.

"Are you returning next year?" The question came from Neville. I shook my head as an answer, "The deal was that I was going to stay here for a year."

"Oh," was the only answer I got. I stuffed the last of my stuff in my bag and closed it.

"I'm going to the lake. I'll see you guys at the station." I said while walking out of the room. I shadow travelled to the lake as soon as the door closed behind me.


I walked towards the train station to take the train back home. I saw Neville who was petting down his pockets while muttering "My wand, where is it? Come on, I need it." The wand in question was somehow poking through one of the button holes of his robe.

I chuckled and grabbed it. "Looking for this?"

Neville turned to me with a surprised expression, then when his eyes fell onto his wand it changed to relieved. "Thanks, Nico." He muttered while putting it in his pocket. He opened his mouth to say something but apparently changed his mind and closed it again.

"Neville? Is there something wrong?" I asked.

Neville blushed and looked down at his shoes. "Well, I was wondering if I could... uhm... come to..." Neville lowered his voice before continuing "Camp sometime this summer? And if you wanted to help me ask my grandmother?" Neville looked at me before looking down again.

I smiled at Neville, "Sure, I would love to help you." I said before grabbing his shoulder and pulling him towards the train to find the others and sit down.


I stumbled as I landed on my bed in cabin 13. The talk with Neville's grandmother had gone surprisingly well. Neville had decided that he wanted to tell everything to his grandmother and she had taken it very well, with a comment of "I knew there was something special about you" and sipped her tea like her grandson hasn't just told her that he was a demi god.

Getting Neville to camp would be easy, since he was also a wizard he could just take a portkey or come apparating with his grandmother. I had given the address of the camp and the request to let me know when he would be planning to come so I could welcome him and give him a tour.

I just closed my eyes and was starting to fall asleep before loud knocking on my door disturbed me.

"Death-boy! I know you're in there! Get out, it is time for capture the flag!" Percy screamed as he continued to knock on my door. I groaned before grabbing my sword and throwing open the door, causing Percy to fall flat on his face.


SO here is a new chapter! I think I'm going to write about 2, maybe 3 more chapters and then I'm done with this story.

I hope I'm going to get those done the next two months since I just finished the last of my exams last week! I'm only waiting for the results to know if I graduated or not, I think I did okay so lets hope for the best.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

PLEASe vote and keep the comments nice

XOXO Herondale

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