When the driver stopped the coach in front of the manor, a bevy of footmen assembled, ready to take any valises or other articles the arriving party guests needed them to handle. One footman opened the door to the coach and assisted the Marchioness, Sophie, and Ellen down onto the driveway. The Marquess signaled he did not need help, and the four of them looked expectantly at the door when it opened again.
A tall, thin man who could have been any age from forty to sixty, greeted them. He had chiseled cheeks and thin lips that were stretched into a thin, but friendly, smile.
"Welcome my Lord and Ladies. I am Martin, Lord Fredrick's butler."
"Hello, Martin. I am the Marquess of Eastforth, and this is my family, Lady Eastforth, Lady Ellen, and Lady Sophie."
Martin nodded. "Lord Fredrick and his guests are currently out back enjoying games. But of course you will want to refresh yourselves before you join them. The footmen will direct you to your rooms, and I will send up your servants to assist you. Your trunks have already been unpacked."
The footmen dropped each of them off at their rooms, and Ellen walked in to a bright, Wedgewood blue chamber with sky blue velvet drapes, and a large carved oak bed with matching oak wardrobe. She looked inside, and sure enough, Leah had arranged everything to her liking, all her dresses ordered by color. On the vanity all of Ellen's personal items were organized, and the escritoire was stocked with the kind of ink and paper Ellen preferred. This room would do nicely.
A knock on the door sounded, and Leah entered. "I prepared a hot bath for you as soon as I heard you'd arrived, my lady."
A bath sounded heavenly. "That would be ideal," Ellen said, following Leah into the bathing room, where a large tub with ball claws stood. Leah helped her disrobe, then Ellen sank down in the water and sighed. It felt good to get the stink of the road off of her. Ellen sponged herself clean, and Leah washed her hair. The lilac soap made it easy for Ellen to relax, and she leaned back against the tub just breathing its scent.
"I'll just soak a little longer, Leah. Come back in a few minutes." She heard the door snick close, and closed her eyes.
After ten minutes of bath bliss passed, and the water grew tepid, Ellen stepped out of the tub and dried herself off with the towels left on the wash basin. Leah re-appeared bearing a fresh shift and Ellen pulled it over her head and smoothed it down her body. Then she handed Ellen her stays and tied them carefully for her.
Back in the bedroom, Leah dried Ellen's hair within an inch of its life, then combed through her hair and braided it, pinning the length of the braid into a bun so it did not leave a wet stain on the back of Ellen's dress once she donned it.
"I'll have a cold tray sent up, since you missed luncheon," Leah said, bobbing a curtsey to Ellen and leaving the room. Meanwhile, Ellen pulled on her stockings and tied the garters, then garbed herself in petticoats and a pale pink dress and fichu that Leah had lain out for her on the bed. She felt wonderfully clean and invigorated, and once she had had something to eat, she'd feel like a whole new person. Fortunately, she did not have long to wait, for Leah returned with a tray of cut fruit, cheeses, and sliced chicken, accompanied by some bread and a cream bun for pudding.
"Enjoy your meal, my lady."
She did exactly that.
The inside of Evansfield offered a maze of galleries and rooms with sumptuous furnishings, nearly all antiques and each polished and shined. Ellen breezed down the impressive marble staircase that led to the first floor, and continued her exploration of the house. She did not peep into every room, but the ones she did impressed her with their style and comfort, particularly the music room, with its graceful harp and pianoforte in the center.

A Duke for Lady Ellen
RomanceLady Ellen--or "Lady Mishap" as she's known--is in her third Season and has yet to find a husband--mostly because she's so clumsy (or unlucky?) that the gentlemen she meets avoid her after one encounter. The Duke of Danbury, however, seems not remo...